
David López

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7EEMarc Ciurana, David López, Francisco Barceló-Arroyo: SofTOA: Software Ranging for TOA-Based Positioning of WLAN Terminals. LoCA 2009: 207-221
6EEAlfonso Sánchez-Macián, Encarna Pastor, Jorge E. López de Vergara, David López: Extending SWRL to Enhance Mathematical Support. RR 2007: 358-360
5EEDavid López, Josep Llosa, Mateo Valero, Eduard Ayguadé: Cost-Conscious Strategies to Increase Performance of Numerical Programs on Aggressive VLIW Architectures. IEEE Trans. Computers 50(10): 1033-1051 (2001)
4EEDavid López, Josep Llosa, Eduard Ayguadé, Mateo Valero: Impact on Performance of Fused Multiply-Add Units in Aggressive VLIW Architectures. ICPP 1999: 22-29
3EEDavid López, Josep Llosa, Mateo Valero, Eduard Ayguadé: Resource Widening Versus Replication: Limits and Performance-cost Trade-off. International Conference on Supercomputing 1998: 441-448
2EEDavid López, Josep Llosa, Mateo Valero, Eduard Ayguadé: Widening Resources: A Cost-effective Technique for Aggressive ILP Architectures. MICRO 1998: 237-246
1EEDavid López, Mateo Valero, Josep Llosa, Eduard Ayguadé: Increasing Memory Bandwidth with Wide Buses: Compiler, Hardware and Performance Trade-Offs. International Conference on Supercomputing 1997: 12-19

Coauthor Index

1Eduard Ayguadé [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
2Francisco Barceló (Francisco Barceló-Arroyo) [7]
3Marc Ciurana [7]
4Josep Llosa [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
5Encarna Pastor [6]
6Alfonso Sánchez-Macián [6]
7Mateo Valero [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
8Jorge E. López de Vergara [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)