
Norbert Dinstl

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7EEKui-Lam Kwok, Norbert Dinstl: Testing an Entity Ranking Function for English Factoid QA. TREC 2007
6EEKui-Lam Kwok, Sora Choi, Norbert Dinstl: Rich results from poor resources: NTCIR-4 monolingual and cross-lingual retrieval of korean texts using chinese and english. ACM Trans. Asian Lang. Inf. Process. 4(2): 136-162 (2005)
5EELaszlo Grunfeld, Kui-Lam Kwok, Norbert Dinstl, Peter Deng: TREC 2003 Robust, HARD and QA Track Experiments using PIRCS. TREC 2003: 510-521
4EEKui-Lam Kwok, Peter Deng, Norbert Dinstl, M. Chan: TREC 2002 Web, Novelty and Filtering Track Experiments using PIRCS. TREC 2002
3EEKui-Lam Kwok, Laszlo Grunfeld, Norbert Dinstl, M. Chan: TREC2001 Question-Answer, Web and Cross Language Experiments using PIRCS. TREC 2001
2EEKui-Lam Kwok, Laszlo Grunfeld, Norbert Dinstl, M. Chan: TREC-9 Cross Language, Web and Question-Answering Track Experiments using PIRCS. TREC 2000
1 Kui-Lam Kwok, Laszlo Grunfeld, M. Chan, Norbert Dinstl, Colleen Cool: TREC-7 Ad-Hoc, High Precision and Filtering Experiments using PIRCS. TREC 1998: 287-297

Coauthor Index

1M. Chan [1] [2] [3] [4]
2Sora Choi [6]
3Colleen Cool [1]
4Peter Deng [4] [5]
5Laszlo Grunfeld [1] [2] [3] [5]
6Kui-Lam Kwok (K. L. Kwok) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)