
Keitaro Yukawa

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6EEHoward C. Wasserman, Keitaro Yukawa, Bon K. Sy, Kui-Lam Kwok, Ihsin T. Phillips: A Theoretical Foundation and a Method for Document Table Structure Extraction and Decompositon. Document Analysis Systems 2002: 291-294
5EEHoward C. Wasserman, Keitaro Yukawa, Zhizhang Shen: On quantitative measurement of negation in logic programming. SAC 1996: 58-62
4EEHoward C. Wasserman, Keitaro Yukawa, Zhizhang Shen: An alternative transformation rule for logic programs. SAC 1995: 364-368
3EEHoward C. Wasserman, Keitaro Yukawa, Zhizhang Shen: The Essential Inadequacy of Deduction in Logic Programming. Logic Journal of the IGPL 3(1): 107-110 (1995)
2 Howard C. Wasserman, Keitaro Yukawa, Zhizhang Shen: The Essential Inadequacy of Deductions in Logic Programming. ILPS 1993: 644
1 Maarten H. van Emden, Keitaro Yukawa: Logic Programming with Equations. J. Log. Program. 4(4): 265-288 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Maarten H. van Emden [1]
2Kui-Lam Kwok (K. L. Kwok) [6]
3Ihsin T. Phillips [6]
4Zhizhang Shen [2] [3] [4] [5]
5Bon K. Sy [6]
6Howard C. Wasserman [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)