
Reggie Kwan

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7 Joseph Fong, Reggie Kwan, Fu Lee Wang: Hybrid Learning and Education, First International Conference, ICHL 2008, Hong Kong, China, August 13-15, 2008, Proceedings Springer 2008
6EEReggie Kwan, Kenneth Wong, Chi-Wing Yu, Philip Tsang, Kat Leung: Building an Assessment Learning System on the Web. ICHL 2008: 91-102
5EEAndrew K. Lui, Reggie Kwan, Sandy C. Li: An Advanced Organizer for Asynchronous Discussion Forums. ICALT 2005: 130-132
4EES. C. Ng, S. O. Choy, Reggie Kwan, Jimmy S. F. Chan: A Web-Based Environment to Improve Teaching and Learning of Computer Programming in Distance Education. ICWL 2005: 279-290
3EEAndrew K. Lui, Reggie Kwan, Maria Poon, Yannie H. Y. Cheung: Saving weak programming students: applying constructivism in a first programming course. SIGCSE Bulletin 36(2): 72-76 (2004)
2 C. C. Chan, Reggie Kwan, Jimmy S. F. Chan: Learning Control Systems on the Web. ICCE 2002: 894-895
1EEReggie Kwan, Jimmy S. F. Chan: Application of Quality Assurance in Web-Based Laboratories. ICWL 2002: 154-166

Coauthor Index

1C. C. Chan [2]
2Jimmy S. F. Chan [1] [2] [4]
3Yannie H. Y. Cheung [3]
4S. O. Choy [4]
5Joseph Fong [7]
6Kat Leung [6]
7Sandy C. Li [5]
8Andrew K. Lui [3] [5]
9S. C. Ng [4]
10Maria Poon [3]
11Philip Tsang [6]
12Fu Lee Wang [7]
13Kenneth Wong [6]
14Chi-Wing Yu [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)