
Andrew K. Lui

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8EEAndrew K. Lui, Yannie H. Y. Cheung, Siu Cheung Li: Leveraging students' programming laboratory work as worked examples. SIGCSE Bulletin 40(2): 69-73 (2008)
7EESheung-On Choy, Andrew K. Lui: Web Information Retrieval in Collaborative Tagging Systems. Web Intelligence 2006: 352-355
6EEAndrew K. Lui, Reggie Kwan, Sandy C. Li: An Advanced Organizer for Asynchronous Discussion Forums. ICALT 2005: 130-132
5EEAndrew K. Lui, Reggie Kwan, Maria Poon, Yannie H. Y. Cheung: Saving weak programming students: applying constructivism in a first programming course. SIGCSE Bulletin 36(2): 72-76 (2004)
4EEMichael J. Owen, Edward H. S. Lo, Mark W. Grigg, Andrew K. Lui: The Design and Implementation of a Progressive On-demand Image Dissemination System for Very Large Images. ACSC 2001: 148-155
3EEAndrew K. Lui, Mark W. Grigg, T. A. Au, Michael J. Owen: Component Based Application Framework for Systems Utilising the Streaming Data Passing Semantic. TOOLS (37) 2000: 328-339
2 Robert Prandolini, T. A. Au, Andrew K. Lui, Michael J. Owen, Mark W. Grigg: Use of UDP for efficient imagery dissemination. VCIP 2000: 316-327
1 Andrew K. Lui, Mark W. Grigg, Michael J. Owen: Developing Quality of Service Capabilities for Distributed Imagery Dissemination Services. ICSC 1999: 274-283

Coauthor Index

1T. A. Au [2] [3]
2Yannie H. Y. Cheung [5] [8]
3Sheung-On Choy [7]
4Mark W. Grigg [1] [2] [3] [4]
5Reggie Kwan [5] [6]
6Sandy C. Li [6]
7Siu Cheung Li [8]
8Edward H. S. Lo [4]
9Michael J. Owen [1] [2] [3] [4]
10Maria Poon [5]
11Robert Prandolini [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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