
Kenneth Wong

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4EEReggie Kwan, Kenneth Wong, Chi-Wing Yu, Philip Tsang, Kat Leung: Building an Assessment Learning System on the Web. ICHL 2008: 91-102
3EEPrashanth Pappu, Jonathan S. Turner, Kenneth Wong: Work-conserving distributed schedulers for Terabit routers. SIGCOMM 2004: 257-268
2EEPrashanth Pappu, Jyoti Parwatikar, Jonathan S. Turner, Kenneth Wong: Distributed Queueing in Scalable High Performance Routers. INFOCOM 2003
1EEY. S. Moon, H. C. Ho, Kenneth Wong: GSM Mobile Phone Based Communication of Multimedia Information: A Case Study. MDA 1999: 14-23

Coauthor Index

1H. C. Ho [1]
2Reggie Kwan [4]
3Kat Leung [4]
4Y. S. Moon [1]
5Prashanth Pappu [2] [3]
6Jyoti Parwatikar [2]
7Philip Tsang [4]
8Jonathan S. Turner [2] [3]
9Chi-Wing Yu [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)