
Richard Kulpa

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7EEFranck Multon, Richard Kulpa, Ludovic Hoyet, Taku Komura: From Motion Capture to Real-Time Character Animation. MIG 2008: 72-81
6EEFranck Multon, Richard Kulpa, Benoit Bideau: MKM: A Global Framework for Animating Humans in Virtual Reality Applications. Presence 17(1): 17-28 (2008)
5EEFranck Multon, Ludovic Hoyet, Taku Komura, Richard Kulpa: Interactive control of physically-valid aerial motion: application to VR training system for gymnasts. VRST 2007: 77-80
4EECarole Durocher, Franck Multon, Richard Kulpa: Dynamic Control of Captured Motions to Verify New Constraints. Gesture Workshop 2005: 200-211
3EERichard Kulpa, Franck Multon, Bruno Arnaldi: Morphology-independent representation of motions for interactive human-like animation. Comput. Graph. Forum 24(3): 343-352 (2005)
2EEStéphane Ménardais, Franck Multon, Richard Kulpa, Bruno Arnaldi: Motion Blending for Real-Time Animation while Accounting for the Environment. Computer Graphics International 2004: 156-159
1 Benoit Bideau, Richard Kulpa, Stéphane Ménardais, Laetitia Fradet, Franck Multon, Paul Delamarche, Bruno Arnaldi: Real Handball Goalkeeper vs. Virtual Handball Thrower. Presence 12(4): 411-421 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Bruno Arnaldi [1] [2] [3]
2Benoit Bideau [1] [6]
3Paul Delamarche [1]
4Carole Durocher [4]
5Laetitia Fradet [1]
6Ludovic Hoyet [5] [7]
7Taku Komura [5] [7]
8Stéphane Ménardais [1] [2]
9Franck Multon [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)