
Cheng-Yuan Ku

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20EEShe-I Chang, Chin-Shyh Ou, Cheng-Yuan Ku, Morris Yang: A study of RFID application impacts on medical safety. IJEH 4(1): 1-23 (2008)
19EEDin-Yuen Chan, Cheng-Yuan Ku, Ming-Chai Li: A method to improve integer linear programming problem with branch-and-bound procedure. Applied Mathematics and Computation 179(2): 484-493 (2006)
18EECheng-Yuan Ku, Yenfang Ho, Yiwen Chang: The implementation of signing e-documents by using the Wireless Identity Module of cellular phones. IJMC 4(6): 743-760 (2006)
17EEDin-Yuen Chan, Cheng-Yuan Ku: Finite-precision arithmetic coding via index-splitting and probability-fitting. Applied Mathematics and Computation 167(2): 976-995 (2005)
16EEChien-Yuan Chen, Cheng-Yuan Ku, David C. Yen: Cryptanalysis of large RSA exponent by using the LLL algorithm. Applied Mathematics and Computation 169(1): 516-525 (2005)
15EELain-Chyr Hwang, Steen J. Hsu, Cheng-Yuan Ku, Chun-Shin Jie: A New Scheduler for AF and EF in a DS Node. ICDCS Workshops 2004: 10-15
14 Cheng-Yuan Ku, Yenfang Ho, Yiwen Chang: The Implementation of Signing E-Document by Using the Wireless Identity Module in Cellular Phone. ICEB 2004: 832-837
13EEHsin-Ginn Hwang, Cheng-Yuan Ku, David C. Yen, Chi-Chung Cheng: Critical factors influencing the adoption of data warehouse technology: a study of the banking industry in Taiwan. Decision Support Systems 37(1): 1-21 (2004)
12EECheng-Yuan Ku, Shi-Ming Huang, David C. Yen, Yi-Wen Chen: Near-optimal channel reservation for cellular phone system. IJEB 2(3): 244-254 (2004)
11EEChien-Yuan Chen, Cheng-Yuan Ku, David C. Yen: Cryptanalysis of short secret exponents modulo RSA primes. Inf. Sci. 160(1-4): 225-233 (2004)
10EECheng-Yuan Ku, Chang-Jinn Tsao, Yi-Hsien Lin, Chien-Yuan Chen: An escrow electronic cash system with limited traceability. Inf. Sci. 164(1-4): 17-30 (2004)
9EEShin-Yuan Hung, Cheng-Yuan Ku, Chia-Ming Chang: Critical factors of WAP services adoption: an empirical study. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 2(1): 42-60 (2003)
8EECheng-Yuan Ku, Scott Jordan: Near optimal admission control for multiserver loss queues in series. European Journal of Operational Research 144(1): 166-178 (2003)
7EECheng-Yuan Ku, Shi-Ming Huang, David C. Yen: A field study to implement data warehouse technology for the banking industry in Taiwan. IJSTM 4(3): 287-301 (2003)
6EECheng-Yuan Ku, Din-Yuen Chan, Lain-Chyr Hwang: Optimal reservation policy for two queues in tandem. Inf. Process. Lett. 85(1): 27-30 (2003)
5 Lain-Chyr Hwang, Steen J. Hsu, Cheng-Yuan Ku, Ying-Tien Tsai, Amy Wang: DMWRR: A QoS Scheduling for the Delay Fairness. JCIS 2002: 984-987
4EEShaohong Zheng, David C. Yen, Douglas Havelka, Cheng-Yuan Ku: The integrative role of CRM with ERP and SCM in the e-business environment. IJITM 1(1): 50-68 (2002)
3EEJane Chang, David C. Yen, Dale Young, Cheng-Yuan Ku: Critical issues in CRM adoption and implementation. IJSTM 3(3): 311-324 (2002)
2 Cheng-Yuan Ku, Scott Jordan: Access control of parallel multiserver loss queues. Perform. Eval. 50(4): 219-231 (2002)
1EELain-Chyr Hwang, Steen J. Hsu, Cheng-Yuan Ku, Hsin-Tzung Wu: An Implementation of Ping-Pong Flow Control in ATM. ICDCS Workshops 2001: 295-300

Coauthor Index

1Din-Yuen Chan [6] [17] [19]
2Chia-Ming Chang [9]
3Jane Chang [3]
4She-I Chang [20]
5Yiwen Chang [14] [18]
6Chien-Yuan Chen [10] [11] [16]
7Yi-Wen Chen [12]
8Chi-Chung Cheng [13]
9Douglas Havelka [4]
10Yenfang Ho [14] [18]
11Steen J. Hsu [1] [5] [15]
12Shi-Ming Huang [7] [12]
13Shin-Yuan Hung [9]
14Hsin-Ginn Hwang [13]
15Lain-Chyr Hwang [1] [5] [6] [15]
16Chun-Shin Jie [15]
17Scott Jordan [2] [8]
18Ming-Chai Li [19]
19Yi-Hsien Lin [10]
20Chin-Shyh Ou [20]
21Ying-Tien Tsai [5]
22Chang-Jinn Tsao [10]
23Amy Wang [5]
24Hsin-Tzung Wu [1]
25Morris Yang [20]
26David C. Yen [3] [4] [7] [11] [12] [13] [16]
27Dale Young [3]
28Shaohong Zheng [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)