
Björn Krebs

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13EEMingyue Ding, Yijun Xiao, Jiaxiong Peng, Dirk Schomburg, Björn Krebs, Friedrich M. Wahl: 3D reconstruction of free-formed line-like objects using NURBS representation. Pattern Recognition 36(6): 1255-1268 (2003)
12 Dirk Schomburg, Björn Krebs, Friedrich M. Wahl: Vollständige Fehlerfortpflanzung einer Kamera- und Hand-Auge-Kalibrierung. DAGM-Symposium 1999: 276-283
11 Björn Krebs, M. Burkhardt, Friedrich M. Wahl: Integration of Multiple Feature Detection by a Bayesian Net for 3D Object Recognition. DAGM-Symposium 1998: 143-150
10EEBjörn Krebs, M. Burkhardt, Bernd Korn: Handling Uncertainty in 3D Object Recognition Using Bayesian Networks. ECCV (2) 1998: 782-795
9 Björn Krebs, Bernd Korn, M. Burkhardt: A Task Driven 3d Object Recognition System using Bayesian Networks. ICCV 1998: 527-532
8 Björn Krebs, M. Burkhardt, Friedrich M. Wahl: A Bayesian Network for 3D Object Recognition in Range Data. CAIP 1997: 361-368
7 Bernd Korn, Björn Krebs, Friedrich M. Wahl: Sensor Based View Planning Using Vague Scene Representation. DAGM-Symposium 1997: 175-182
6 Björn Krebs, Bernd Korn, M. Burkhardt: A 3D Object Recognition System with Decision Reasoning under Uncertainty. DAGM-Symposium 1997: 183-190
5EEBjörn Krebs, Bernd Korn, Friedrich M. Wahl: 3D B-Spline Curve Matching for Model Based Object Recognition. ICIP (2) 1997: 716-719
4 Tzvetozarka Kratchounova, Björn Krebs, Bernd Korn: Erkennung und Bestimmung der aktuellen Konstellation von Objekten mit Scharniergelenken. DAGM-Symposium 1996: 502-509
3 Björn Krebs, Peter Sieverding, Bernd Korn: Correct 3D Matching via a Fuzzy ICP Algorithm for Arbitrary Shaped Objects. DAGM-Symposium 1996: 521-528
2 Björn Krebs, Bernd Korn: Plausibilistische Vorverarbeitung von unvollständigen Tiefenbildern. DAGM-Symposium 1995: 500-507
1 Björn Krebs, Bernd Korn, Friedrich M. Wahl: Plausibilistic Preprocessing of Sparse Range Images. ICIAP 1995: 361-366

Coauthor Index

1M. Burkhardt [6] [8] [9] [10] [11]
2Mingyue Ding [13]
3Bernd Korn [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [10]
4Tzvetozarka Kratchounova [4]
5Jiaxiong Peng [13]
6Dirk Schomburg [12] [13]
7Peter Sieverding [3]
8Friedrich M. Wahl [1] [5] [7] [8] [11] [12] [13]
9Yijun Xiao [13]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)