
Michal Kopecky

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4EEKaterina Opocenska, Michal Kopecky: Incox - A Language for XML Integrity Constraints Description. DATESO 2008
3EEJan Ulrych, Michal Kopecky: Visual similarity in sign language. ICDE Workshops 2008: 346-353
2EEJaroslav Král, Michal Zemlicka, Michal Kopecky: Software Confederations - An Architecture for Agile Development in the Large. ICSEA 2006: 39
1EEMichal Kopecky, Jaroslav Pokorný: Towards the Object Persistence via Relational Databases. ADBIS 1997: 257-265

Coauthor Index

1Jaroslav Král [2]
2Katerina Opocenska [4]
3Jaroslav Pokorný [1]
4Jan Ulrych [3]
5Michal Zemlicka [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)