
Seth Koterba

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3EEKrishnan Ramnath, Seth Koterba, Jing Xiao, Changbo Hu, Iain Matthews, Simon Baker, Jeffrey F. Cohn, Takeo Kanade: Multi-View AAM Fitting and Construction. International Journal of Computer Vision 76(2): 183-204 (2008)
2 Seth Koterba, Yoky Matsuoka: A Triaxial Force Discernment Algorithm for Flexible, High Density, Artificial Skin. ICRA 2006: 1359-1364
1EESeth Koterba, Simon Baker, Iain Matthews, Changbo Hu, Jing Xiao, Jeffrey F. Cohn, Takeo Kanade: Multi-View AAM Fitting and Camera Calibration. ICCV 2005: 511-518

Coauthor Index

1Simon Baker [1] [3]
2Jeffrey F. Cohn [1] [3]
3Changbo Hu [1] [3]
4Takeo Kanade [1] [3]
5Yoky Matsuoka [2]
6Iain Matthews [1] [3]
7Krishnan Ramnath [3]
8Jing Xiao [1] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)