
Akif Günes Koru

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17EEMedha Umarji, Carolyn B. Seaman, Akif Günes Koru, Hongfang Liu: Software Engineering Education for Bioinformatics. CSEE&T 2009: 216-223
16EEAkif Günes Koru, Dongsong Zhang, Khaled El Emam, Hongfang Liu: An Investigation into the Functional Form of the Size-Defect Relationship for Software Modules. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 35(2): 293-304 (2009)
15EEKawin Ngamkajornwiwat, Dongsong Zhang, Akif Günes Koru, Lina Zhou, Robert D. Nolker: An Exploratory Study on the Evolution of OSS Developer Communities. HICSS 2008: 305
14EEAkif Günes Koru, Khaled El Emam, Dongsong Zhang, Hongfang Liu, Divya Mathew: Theory of relative defect proneness. Empirical Software Engineering 13(5): 473-498 (2008)
13EEKhaled El Emam, Akif Günes Koru: A Replicated Survey of IT Software Project Failures. IEEE Software 25(5): 84-90 (2008)
12EEAkif Günes Koru, Dongsong Zhang, Hongfang Liu: Modeling the Effect of Size on Defect Proneness for Open-Source Software. ICSE Companion 2007: 115-124
11EEAkif Günes Koru, Dongsong Zhang, Hongfang Liu: Effect of Coupling on Defect Proneness in Evolutionary Open-Source Software Development. OSS 2007: 271-276
10EEHongfang Liu, Barry Zeeberg, Gang Qu, Akif Günes Koru, Alessandro Ferrucci, Ari Kahn, Michael C. Ryan, Antej Nuhanovic, Peter J. Munson, William C. Reinhold, David W. Kane, John N. Weinstein: AffyProbeMiner: a web resource for computing or retrieving accurately redefined Affymetrix probe sets. Bioinformatics 23(18): 2385-2390 (2007)
9EEAkif Günes Koru, Hongfang Liu: Identifying and characterizing change-prone classes in two large-scale open-source products. Journal of Systems and Software 80(1): 63-73 (2007)
8EEAkif Günes Koru, A. Ant Ozok, Anthony F. Norcio: The effect of human memory organization on code reviews under different single and pair code reviewing scenarios. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-3 (2005)
7EEAkif Günes Koru, Hongfang Liu: An investigation of the effect of module size on defect prediction using static measures. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-5 (2005)
6EEAkif Günes Koru, Hongfang Liu: Building Effective Defect-Prediction Models in Practice. IEEE Software 22(6): 23-29 (2005)
5EEAkif Günes Koru, Jeff Tian: Comparing High-Change Modules and Modules with the Highest Measurement Values in Two Large-Scale Open-Source Products. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 31(8): 625-642 (2005)
4EEAkif Günes Koru, Jeff Tian: Defect Handling in Medium and Large Open Source Projects. IEEE Software 21(4): 54-61 (2004)
3EEJeff Tian, Li Ma, Zhao Li, Akif Günes Koru: A Hierarchical Strategy for Testing Web-Based Applications and Ensuring Their Reliability. COMPSAC 2003: 702-
2EEAkif Günes Koru, Jeff Tian: An empirical comparison and characterization of high defect and high complexity modules. Journal of Systems and Software 67(3): 153-163 (2003)
1EEAkif Günes Koru, Elif Demirörs, Onur Demirörs: Process-Product Unification in a Decentralized Environment: A Status Report. EUROMICRO 1998: 20769-20774

Coauthor Index

1Elif Demirörs [1]
2Onur Demirörs [1]
3Khaled El Emam [13] [14] [16]
4Alessandro Ferrucci [10]
5Ari Kahn [10]
6David W. Kane [10]
7Zhao Li [3]
8Hongfang Liu [6] [7] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14] [16] [17]
9Li Ma [3]
10Divya Mathew [14]
11Peter J. Munson [10]
12Kawin Ngamkajornwiwat [15]
13Robert D. Nolker [15]
14Anthony F. Norcio [8]
15Antej Nuhanovic [10]
16A. Ant Ozok [8]
17Gang Qu [10]
18William C. Reinhold [10]
19Michael C. Ryan [10]
20Carolyn B. Seaman [17]
21Jeff Tian (Jianhui Tian) [2] [3] [4] [5]
22Medha Umarji [17]
23John N. Weinstein [10]
24Barry Zeeberg [10]
25Dongsong Zhang [11] [12] [14] [15] [16]
26Lina Zhou [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)