
Elif Demirörs

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9EEOnur Demirörs, Elif Demirörs, Ayça Tarhan: Managing instructional software acquisition. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 6(4): 189-203 (2001)
8EEOnur Demirörs, Elif Demirörs, Ayça Tarhan, Ali Yildiz: Tailoring ISO/IEC 12207 for Instructional Software Development. EUROMICRO 2000: 2300-2307
7EEAyça Tarhan, Elif Demirörs, Onur Demirörs: A Distributed Tool for Commitment Specification and Management. EUROMICRO 1999: 2210-
6EEAkif Günes Koru, Elif Demirörs, Onur Demirörs: Process-Product Unification in a Decentralized Environment: A Status Report. EUROMICRO 1998: 20769-20774
5 Onur Demirörs, Elif Demirörs: Software Process Improvement in a Small Organization: Difficulties and Suggestions. EWSPT 1998: 1-12
4 Elif Demirörs, Onur Demirörs: A Notation Based on Process Product Unification. EWSPT 1998: 148
3 Elif Demirörs, Onur Demirörs, Oguz Dikenelli, Billur Keskin: Process Improvement Towards ISO 9001 Certification in a Small Software Organization. ICSE 1998: 435-438
2EEElif Demirörs, Gamze Sarmasik, Onur Demirörs: The role of teamwork in software development: Microsoft case study. EUROMICRO 1997: 129-133
1EEDaniel E. Cooke, Ann Q. Gates, Elif Demirörs, Onur Demirörs, Murat M. Tanik, Bernd J. Krämer: Languages for the specification of software. Journal of Systems and Software 32(3): 269-308 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Daniel E. Cooke [1]
2Onur Demirörs [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
3Oguz Dikenelli [3]
4Ann Q. Gates [1]
5Billur Keskin [3]
6Akif Günes Koru [6]
7Bernd J. Krämer [1]
8Gamze Sarmasik [2]
9Murat M. Tanik [1]
10Ayça Tarhan [7] [8] [9]
11Ali Yildiz [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)