
Enrique J. Hernandez-Valencia

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3EEChristian Hermsmeyer, Enrique J. Hernandez-Valencia, Dieter Stoll, Oliver Tamm: Ethernet aggregation and core network models for effcient and reliable IPTV services. Bell Labs Technical Journal 12(1): 57-76 (2007)
2EEHarald Graber, Enrique J. Hernandez-Valencia, Bernd Heinmueller: Optical/packet transport convergence. Bell Labs Technical Journal 11(1): 143-158 (2006)
1EEEnrique J. Hernandez-Valencia, Pramod V. Koppol, Wing Cheong Lau: Managed virtual private LAN services. Bell Labs Technical Journal 7(3): 61-76 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Harald Graber [2]
2Bernd Heinmueller [2]
3Christian Hermsmeyer [3]
4Pramod V. Koppol [1]
5Wing Cheong Lau [1]
6Dieter Stoll [3]
7Oliver Tamm [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)