
Hirotsugu Kojima

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3EERaminder Singh Bajwa, Mitsuru Hiraki, Hirotsugu Kojima, Douglas J. Gorny, Ken-ichi Nitta, Avadhani Shridhar, Koichi Seki, Katsuro Sasaki: Instruction buffering to reduce power in processors for signal processing. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 5(4): 417-424 (1997)
2EEHirotsugu Kojima, Avadhani Shridhar: Interlaced accumulation programming for low power DSP. ISLPED 1996: 213-216
1EEMitsuru Hiraki, Raminder Singh Bajwa, Hirotsugu Kojima, Douglas J. Gorny, Ken-ichi Nitta, Avadhani Shridhar, Katsuro Sasaki, Koichi Seki: Stage-skip pipeline: a low power processor architecture using a decoded instruction buffer. ISLPED 1996: 353-358

Coauthor Index

1Raminder Singh Bajwa [1] [3]
2Douglas J. Gorny [1] [3]
3Mitsuru Hiraki [1] [3]
4Ken-ichi Nitta [1] [3]
5Katsuro Sasaki [1] [3]
6Koichi Seki [1] [3]
7Avadhani Shridhar [1] [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)