
Shigeru Kobayashi

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5EEShigeru Kobayashi, Takanori Endo, Katsuhiko Harada, Shosei Oishi: GAINER: A reconfigurable I/O module and software libraries for education. NIME 2006: 346-351
4EEShigeru Kobayashi, Masayuki Akamatsu: Spinner: A Simple Approach to Reconfigurable User Interfaces. NIME 2005: 208-211
3EEAkihiro Ikeuchi, Toshi Takamori, Shigeru Kobayashi, Masayuki Takashima, Shiro Takashima, Masatoshi Yamada: Development of Mobile Robots for Search and Rescue Operation Systems. FSR 2003: 519-528
2EEShigeru Kobayashi, Toshi Takamori: A human body search system by a man-machine controlled group of robots in a rescue operation. Advanced Robotics 16(6): 525-528 (2002)
1EESatoshi Tadokoro, Shigeru Kobayashi: A portable parallel motion platform for urban search and surveillance in disasters. Advanced Robotics 16(6): 537-540 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Masayuki Akamatsu [4]
2Takanori Endo [5]
3Katsuhiko Harada [5]
4Akihiro Ikeuchi [3]
5Shosei Oishi [5]
6Satoshi Tadokoro [1]
7Toshi Takamori [2] [3]
8Masayuki Takashima [3]
9Shiro Takashima [3]
10Masatoshi Yamada [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)