
Joachim Knäblein

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3EEClaudio Mucci, Luca Vanzolini, Ilario Mirimin, Daniele Gazzola, Antonio Deledda, Sebastian Goller, Joachim Knäblein, Axel Schneider, Luca Ciccarelli, Fabio Campi: Implementation of Parallel LFSR-based Applications on an Adaptive DSP featuring a Pipelined Configurable Gate Array. DATE 2008: 1444-1449
2EEAxel Schneider, Thomas Bluhm, Tobias Renner, Ulrich Heinkel, Joachim Knäblein, Reynaldo Zavala: Formal Verification of Abstract System and Protocol Specifications. SEW 2006: 207-211
1EEJosef Schmid, Joachim Knäblein: Advanced Synchronous Scan Test Methodology for Multi Clock Domain ASICs. VTS 1999: 106-113

Coauthor Index

1Thomas Bluhm [2]
2Fabio Campi [3]
3Luca Ciccarelli [3]
4Antonio Deledda [3]
5Daniele Gazzola [3]
6Sebastian Goller [3]
7Ulrich Heinkel [2]
8Ilario Mirimin [3]
9Claudio Mucci [3]
10Tobias Renner [2]
11Josef Schmid [1]
12Axel Schneider [2] [3]
13Luca Vanzolini [3]
14Reynaldo Zavala [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)