
Jochen Klose

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8EEJochen Klose, Tobe Toben, Bernd Westphal, Hartmut Wittke: Check It Out: On the Efficient Formal Verification of Live Sequence Charts. CAV 2006: 219-233
7EEMatthias Brill, Werner Damm, Jochen Klose, Bernd Westphal, Hartmut Wittke: Live Sequence Charts: An Introduction to Lines, Arrows, and Strange Boxes in the Context of Formal Verification. SoftSpez Final Report 2004: 374-399
6EEMatthias Brill, Ralf Buschermöhle, Werner Damm, Jochen Klose, Bernd Westphal, Hartmut Wittke: Formal Verification of LSCs in the Development Process. SoftSpez Final Report 2004: 494-516
5EEJürgen Ruf, Thomas Kropf, Jochen Klose: A Visual Approach to Validating System Level Designs. ISSS 2002: 186-191
4EEJochen Klose, Hartmut Wittke: An Automata Based Interpretation of Live Sequence Charts. TACAS 2001: 512-527
3EEMarc Lettrari, Jochen Klose: Scenario-Based Monitoring and Testing of Real-Time UML Models. UML 2001: 317-328
2 Werner Damm, Jochen Klose: Verification of a Radio-Based Signaling System Using the STATEMATE Verification Environment. Formal Methods in System Design 19(2): 121-141 (2001)
1 Jochen Klose: Erweiterte Message Sequence Charts für die Verifikation von Statemate-Entwürfen. GI Jahrestagung 1999: 181-189

Coauthor Index

1Matthias Brill [6] [7]
2Ralf Buschermöhle [6]
3Werner Damm [2] [6] [7]
4Thomas Kropf [5]
5Marc Lettrari [3]
6Jürgen Ruf [5]
7Tobe Toben [8]
8Bernd Westphal [6] [7] [8]
9Hartmut Wittke [4] [6] [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)