2008 |
10 | EE | Tobe Toben:
Counterexample Guided Spotlight Abstraction Refinement.
FORTE 2008: 21-36 |
2007 |
9 | EE | Jörg Bauer,
Werner Damm,
Tobe Toben,
Bernd Westphal:
Verification and Synthesis of OCL Constraints Via Topology Analysis.
AGTIVE 2007: 361-376 |
8 | EE | Jörg Bauer,
Tobe Toben,
Bernd Westphal:
Mind the Shapes: Abstraction Refinement Via Topology Invariants.
ATVA 2007: 35-50 |
7 | EE | Tobe Toben:
Non-interference Properties for Data-Type Reduction of Communicating Systems.
IFM 2007: 619-638 |
2006 |
6 | EE | Jörg Bauer,
Ina Schaefer,
Tobe Toben,
Bernd Westphal:
Specification and Verification of Dynamic Communication Systems.
ACSD 2006: 189-200 |
5 | EE | Jochen Klose,
Tobe Toben,
Bernd Westphal,
Hartmut Wittke:
Check It Out: On the Efficient Formal Verification of Live Sequence Charts.
CAV 2006: 219-233 |
4 | EE | Bernd Westphal,
Tobe Toben:
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Well-Formedness of Live Sequence Charts.
FASE 2006: 230-246 |
3 | EE | Werner Damm,
Tobe Toben,
Bernd Westphal:
On the Expressive Power of Live Sequence Charts.
Program Analysis and Compilation 2006: 225-246 |
2 | EE | Tobe Toben,
Bernd Westphal:
Concurrent LSC Verification: On Decomposition Properties of Partially Ordered Symbolic Automata.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 145: 95-111 (2006) |
2004 |
1 | EE | Ingo Schinz,
Tobe Toben,
Christian Mrugalla,
Bernd Westphal:
The Rhapsody UML Verification Environment.
SEFM 2004: 174-183 |