
Les Kitchen

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6EEMuhammad Sirajul Islam, Les Kitchen: Nonlinear Similarity Based Image Matching. Intelligent Information Processing 2006: 401-410
5EEJacqueline Spiesser, Les Kitchen: Optimization of html automatically generated by wysiwyg programs. WWW 2004: 355-364
4EEPaul Lee, Tim Dean, Andrew Yap, Dariusz Walter, Les Kitchen, Nick Barnes: On-Board Vision Using Visual-Servoing for RoboCup F-180 League Mobile Robots. RoboCup 2003: 422-433
3EEAndrew Howard, Les Kitchen: Navigation using natural landmarks. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 26(2-3): 99-115 (1999)
2EEKim Shearer, Les Kitchen: Filling gaps in the Hough-transform voting locus for N-dimensional parameter spaces. Pattern Recognition Letters 16(10): 1105-1109 (1995)
1EELes Kitchen, E. V. Krishnamurthy: Fast, parallel, relaxation screening for chemical patent data-base search. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 22(1): 44-48 (1982)

Coauthor Index

1Nick Barnes [4]
2Tim Dean [4]
3Andrew Howard [3]
4Muhammad Sirajul Islam [6]
5E. V. Krishnamurthy (Edayathu V. Krishnamurthy) [1]
6Paul Lee [4]
7Kim Shearer [2]
8Jacqueline Spiesser [5]
9Dariusz Walter [4]
10Andrew Yap [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)