
Michel Kinsy

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4EEMyong Hyon Cho, Chih-Chi Cheng, Michel Kinsy, G. Edward Suh, Srinivas Devadas: Diastolic arrays: throughput-driven reconfigurable computing. ICCAD 2008: 457-464
3EEMichel Kinsy, Zoé Lacroix: Storing Efficiently Bioinformatics Workflows. BIBE 2007: 1328-1332
2EEQihong Shao, Michel Kinsy, Yi Chen: Storing and Discovering Critical Workflows from Log in Scientific Exploration. IEEE SCW 2007: 209-212
1EEMichel Kinsy, Zoé Lacroix, Christophe Legendre, Piotr Wlodarczyk, Nadia Yacoubi Ayadi: ProtocolDB: Storing Scientific Protocols with a Domain Ontology. WISE Workshops 2007: 17-28

Coauthor Index

1Nadia Yaacoubi Ayadi (Nadia Yacoubi Ayadi) [1]
2Yi Chen [2]
3Chih-Chi Cheng [4]
4Myong Hyon Cho [4]
5Srinivas Devadas [4]
6Zoé Lacroix [1] [3]
7Christophe Legendre [1]
8Qihong Shao [2]
9G. Edward Suh [4]
10Piotr Wlodarczyk [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)