
Sebastian Kinder

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5EESebastian Kinder, Rolf Drechsler: Modeling and proving functional completeness in formal verification of counting heads. STTT 10(6): 521-534 (2008)
4EESebastian Kinder, Rolf Drechsler: Proving Completeness of Properties in Formal Verification of Counting Heads for Railways. DSD 2007: 396-403
3EERolf Drechsler, Görschwin Fey, Sebastian Kinder: An Integrated Approach for Combining BDD and SAT Provers. VLSI Design 2006: 237-242
2EESebastian Kinder, Görschwin Fey, Rolf Drechsler: Controlling the Memory During Manipulation of Word-Level Decision Diagrams. ISMVL 2005: 250-255
1EEGörschwin Fey, Sebastian Kinder, Rolf Drechsler: Using Games for Benchmarking and Representing the Complete Solution Space using Symbolic Techniques. ISMVL 2003: 361-366

Coauthor Index

1Rolf Drechsler [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
2Görschwin Fey [1] [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)