
Kyunbyoung Ko

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6EEMyonghee Park, Kyunbyoung Ko: Performance evaluation for asynchronous MC-CDMA systems with a symbol timing offset. Int. J. Communication Systems 22(4): 399-417 (2009)
5EEKyunbyoung Ko, Myonghee Park, Daesik Hong: Performance analysis of asynchronous MC-CDMA systems with a guard period in the form of a cyclic prefix. IEEE Transactions on Communications 54(2): 216-220 (2006)
4EEJeongho Park, Jihyung Kim, Myonghee Park, Kyunbyoung Ko, Changeon Kang, Daesik Hong: Performance analysis of channel estimation for OFDM systems with residual timing offset. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(7): 1622-1625 (2006)
3EETaeyoung Kim, Kyunbyoung Ko, Youngju Kim, Daesik Hong: Performance Evaluation of Uplink MC-CDMA Systems with Residual Frequency Offset. IEICE Transactions 89-B(4): 1455-1458 (2006)
2 Taeyoung Kim, Younsun Kim, Joonhyun Park, Kyunbyoung Ko, Sooyong Choi, Changeon Kang, Daesik Hong: Performance of an MC-CDMA System with Frequency Offsets in Correlated Fading. ICC (2) 2000: 1095-1099
1EEKyunbyoung Ko, Sooyong Choi, Daesik Hong: Multi-User Detector with an Ability of Channel Estimation Using a RBF Network in an MC-CDMA System. IJCNN (5) 2000: 348-353

Coauthor Index

1Sooyong Choi [1] [2]
2Daesik Hong [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
3Changeon Kang [2] [4]
4Jihyung Kim [4]
5Taeyoung Kim [2] [3]
6Youngju Kim [3]
7Younsun Kim [2]
8Jeongho Park [4]
9Joonhyun Park [2]
10Myonghee Park [4] [5] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)