
Kyung Soo Kim

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8EEEunkyung Kim, Won-Ik Kim, Kyung Soo Kim: Location Aided Location Update in IEEE 802.16e Wireless MANs. VTC Spring 2008: 2264-2268
7EEKyung Mook Lim, Kang Yong Lee, Kyung Soo Kim, Seong-Soon Joo: Traffic Aware HCCA Scheduling for the IEEE 802.11e Wireless LAN. ICME 2007: 963-966
6EEYong Seouk Choi, Kyung Soo Kim, Nam Kim: The Positioning of Base Station in Wireless Communication with Genetic Approach. PWC 2007: 217-229
5EEEunkyung Kim, Juhee Kim, Kyung Soo Kim: An Efficient Resource Allocation for TCP Services in IEEE 802.16 Wireless MANs. VTC Fall 2007: 1513-1517
4EENam Suk Lee, Yong Seouk Choi, Kyung Soo Kim, Chan Kyu Kim: Performance of MIMO-OFDM System with Adaptive Beamforming Algorithm. VTC Fall 2007: 656-660
3EENak Woon Sung, Kyung Soo Kim, Jee Hwan Ahn: Experimental Analysis for TDMA MAC Design/Implementation of the IEEE 802.16 SS. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
2EESung Kyung Kim, Chung Gu Kang, Kyung Soo Kim: An adaptive handover decision algorithm based on the estimating mobility from signal strength measurements. VTC Fall (2) 2004: 1004-1008
1EEGyeong Lyong Park, Kyung Hi Chang, Jae Seok Kim, Kyung Soo Kim: System-level verification of CDMA modem ASIC. ASP-DAC 1995

Coauthor Index

1Jee Hwan Ahn [3]
2Kyung Hi Chang [1]
3Yong Seouk Choi [4] [6]
4Seong-Soon Joo [7]
5Chung Gu Kang [2]
6Chan Kyu Kim [4]
7Eunkyung Kim [5] [8]
8Jae Seok Kim [1]
9Juhee Kim [5]
10Nam Kim [6]
11Sung Kyung Kim [2]
12Won-Ik Kim [8]
13Kang Yong Lee [7]
14Nam Suk Lee [4]
15Kyung Mook Lim [7]
16Gyeong Lyong Park [1]
17Nak Woon Sung [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)