
Kyung Mook Lim

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2EEKyung Mook Lim, Kang Yong Lee, Kyung Soo Kim, Seong-Soon Joo: Traffic Aware HCCA Scheduling for the IEEE 802.11e Wireless LAN. ICME 2007: 963-966
1EEKyung Mook Lim, Jeonghoon Mo, Seong-Soon Joo: Hop-by-Hop Congestion Control Design with Utility Maximization in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. VTC Fall 2006: 1-6

Coauthor Index

1Seong-Soon Joo [1] [2]
2Kyung Soo Kim [2]
3Kang Yong Lee [2]
4Jeonghoon Mo [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)