
DaeSik Kim

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6EELam Bui Quang, DaeSik Kim, Sukhan Lee: Auto-focusing technique in a projector-camera system. ICARCV 2008: 1914-1919
5EEDaeSik Kim, Moonwook Ryu, Sukhan Lee: Antipodal gray codes for structured light. ICRA 2008: 3016-3021
4EEJungsook Bae, Sookyang Kang, Jaeho Kim, Brad Hyunseo Park, Kyungsook Kim, Seongim Yoon, Gyungchul Sihn, DaeSik Kim: Next Generation Mobile Service Platform. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
3 Sukhan Lee, Jongmoo Choi, Seungmin Baek, Byungchan Jung, Changsik Choi, Hunmo Kim, Jeongtaek Oh, Seungsub Oh, DaeSik Kim, Jaekeun Na: A 3D IR Camera with Variable Structured Light for Home Service Robots. ICRA 2005: 1859-1864
2 Sukhan Lee, Jongmoo Choi, DaeSik Kim, Jaekeun Na, Seungsub Oh: Signal Separation Coding for Robust Depth Imaging Based on Structured Light. ICRA 2005: 4430-4436
1 MyungJin Bae, DaeSik Kim, HongYeol Jeon, SouGuil Ann: On a New Predictor for the Waveform Coding of Speech Signal by Using the Dual Autocorrelation and the Sigma Delta Technique. ISCAS 1994: 261-264

Coauthor Index

1SouGuil Ann [1]
2Jungsook Bae [4]
3MyungJin Bae [1]
4Seungmin Baek [3]
5Changsik Choi [3]
6Jongmoo Choi [2] [3]
7HongYeol Jeon [1]
8Byungchan Jung [3]
9Sookyang Kang [4]
10Hunmo Kim [3]
11Jaeho Kim [4]
12Kyungsook Kim [4]
13Sukhan Lee [2] [3] [5] [6]
14Jaekeun Na [2] [3]
15Jeongtaek Oh [3]
16Seungsub Oh [2] [3]
17Brad Hyunseo Park [4]
18Lam Bui Quang [6]
19Moonwook Ryu [5]
20Gyungchul Sihn [4]
21Seongim Yoon [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)