
Tim Kiemel

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6EEPéter L. Várkonyi, Tim Kiemel, Kathleen Hoffman, Avis H. Cohen, Philip Holmes: On the derivation and tuning of phase oscillator models for lamprey central pattern generators. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 25(2): 245-261 (2008)
5EESean Carver, Tim Kiemel, John J. Jeka: Modeling the Dynamics of Sensory Reweighting. Biological Cybernetics 95(2): 123-134 (2006)
4EESean Carver, Tim Kiemel, Herman van der Kooij, John J. Jeka: Comparing internal models of the dynamics of the visual environment. Biological Cybernetics 92(3): 147-163 (2005)
3EETim Kiemel, Kevin M. Gormley, Li Guan, Thelma L. Williams, Avis H. Cohen: Estimating the Strength and Direction of Functional Coupling in the Lamprey Spinal Cord. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 15(2): 233-245 (2003)
2EETim Kiemel, Kelvin S. Oie, John J. Jeka: Multisensory fusion and the stochastic structure of postural sway. Biological Cybernetics 87(4): 262-277 (2002)
1 Tim Kiemel, Avis H. Cohen: Estimation of Coupling Strength in Regenerated Lamprey Spinal Cords Based on a Stochastic Phase Model. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 5(3): 267-284 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Sean Carver [4] [5]
2Avis H. Cohen [1] [3] [6]
3Kevin M. Gormley [3]
4Li Guan [3]
5Kathleen Hoffman [6]
6Philip Holmes [6]
7John J. Jeka [2] [4] [5]
8Herman van der Kooij [4]
9Kelvin S. Oie [2]
10Péter L. Várkonyi [6]
11Thelma L. Williams [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)