Volume 15,
Number 1,
July - August 2003
- Marta García-Sánchez, Ramón Huerta:
Design Parameters of the Fan-Out Phase of Sensory Systems.
5-17 BibTeX
- Burak Güçlü, Stanley J. Bolanowski, Lorraine Pawson:
End-to-End Linkage (EEL) Clustering Algorithm: A Study on the Distribution of Meissner Corpuscles in the Skin.
19-28 BibTeX
- Mark Flynn, Yidao Cai, Douglas A. Baxter, Terry Crow:
A Computational Study of the Role of Spike Broadening in Synaptic Facilitation of Hermissenda.
29-41 BibTeX
- John R. Clay:
A Novel Mechanism for Irregular Firing of a Neuron in Response to Periodic Stimulation: Irregularity in the Absence of Noise.
43-51 BibTeX
- Georgi S. Medvedev, C. J. Wilson, J. C. Callaway, Nancy Kopell:
Dendritic Synchrony and Transient Dynamics in a Coupled Oscillator Model of the Dopaminergic Neuron.
53-69 BibTeX
- Corey D. Acker, Nancy Kopell, John A. White:
Synchronization of Strongly Coupled Excitatory Neurons: Relating Network Behavior to Biophysics.
71-90 BibTeX
- Boris S. Gutkin, Bard Ermentrout, Michael Rudolph:
Spike Generating Dynamics and the Conditions for Spike-Time Precision in Cortical Neurons.
91-103 BibTeX
- Yidao Cai, Douglas A. Baxter, Terry Crow:
Computational Study of Enhanced Excitability in Hermissenda: Membrane Conductances Modulated by 5-HT.
105-121 BibTeX
Volume 15,
Number 2,
September 2003
- Adrien E. Desjardins, Yue-Xian Li, Stefan Reinker, Robert M. Miura, Richard S. Neuman:
The Influences of Ih on Temporal Summation in Hippocampal CA1 Pyramidal Neurons: A Modeling Study.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- David McMillen, Nancy Kopell:
Noise-Stabilized Long-Distance Synchronization in Populations of Model Neurons.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Alex M. Thomson:
Presynaptic Frequency- and Pattern-Dependent Filtering.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- C. J. Aine, J. M. Stephen, R. Christner, D. Hudson, E. Best:
Task Relevance Enhances Early Transient and Late Slow-Wave Activity of Distributed Cortical Sources.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Arash Hadipour Niktarash:
Transmission of the Subthalamic Nucleus Oscillatory Activity to the Cortex: A Computational Approach.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Tim Kiemel, Kevin M. Gormley, Li Guan, Thelma L. Williams, Avis H. Cohen:
Estimating the Strength and Direction of Functional Coupling in the Lamprey Spinal Cord.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Clyde S. Miller, Don H. Johnson, John P. Schroeter, Lay L. Myint, Raymon M. Glantz:
Visual Responses of Crayfish Ocular Motoneurons: An Information Theoretical Analysis.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Thomas Nowotny, Mikhail I. Rabinovich, Ramón Huerta, Henry D. I. Abarbanel:
Decoding Temporal Information Through Slow Lateral Excitation in the Olfactory System of Insects.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- David J. Pinto, Stephanie R. Jones, Tasso J. Kaper, Nancy Kopell:
Analysis of State-Dependent Transitions in Frequency and Long-Distance Coordination in a Model Oscillatory Cortical Circuit.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
Volume 15,
Number 3,
November 2003
- Norbert Michael Mayer, J. Michael Herrmann, Theo Geisel:
Shaping of Receptive Fields in the Visual Cortex During Retinal Maturation.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Garrett B. Stanley, Roxanna M. Webber:
A Point Process Analysis of Sensory Encoding.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Dingzhou Li, Weiping Zhou, Ivo Drury, Robert Savit:
Linear and Nonlinear Measures and Seizure Anticipation in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Jan Karbowski:
How Does Connectivity Between Cortical Areas Depend on Brain Size? Implications for Efficient Computation.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- A. Delorme:
Early Cortical Orientation Selectivity: How Fast Inhibition Decodes the Order of Spike Latencies.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Peter Roper, Joseph Callaway, Talent Shevchenko, Ryoichi Teruyama, William Armstrong:
AHP's, HAP's and DAP's: How Potassium Currents Regulate the Excitability of Rat Supraoptic Neurones.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:07:49 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)