
Mohamed Khalifa

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24EEMohamed Khalifa, Kathy Ning Shen: Demographic changes in IS research productivity and impact. Commun. ACM 51(4): 89-94 (2008)
23EEKathy Ning Shen, Mohamed Khalifa: Exploring Multi-dimensional Conceptualization of Social Presence in the Context of Online Communities. HCI (4) 2007: 999-1008
22EEMohamed Khalifa, Angela Yan Yu, Kathy Ning Shen: Build Up Organizational Innovativeness: An Integrated View. HICSS 2007: 185
21EEMohamed Khalifa, Ning Shen: Effects of Electronic Customer Relationship Management on Customer Satisfaction: A Temporal Model. HICSS 2005
20EEMohamed Khalifa, Vanessa Liu: Online Consumer Retention: Development of New Habits. HICSS 2005
19 Mohamed Khalifa, Vanessa Liu: Knowledge Acquisition Through Computer-Mediated Discussions: Potential of Semantic Network Representations and Effect of Conceptual Facilitation Restrictiveness. ICIS 2005
18 Mohamed Khalifa, Ning Shen: System Design Effects on Social Presence and Telepresence in Virtual Communities. ICIS 2004: 547-558
17EEMohamed Khalifa, Probir Banerjee, Louis C. K. Ma: Strategies for Successfully Deploying e-Markets: Lessons from the China Context. HICSS 2003: 193
16EEMohamed Khalifa, Moez Limayem: Drivers of Internet shopping. Commun. ACM 46(12): 233-239 (2003)
15EEVanessa Liu, Mohamed Khalifa: Determinants of Satisfaction at Different Adoption Stages of Internet-Based Services. J. AIS 4: (2003)
14EEMohamed Khalifa, Vanessa Liu: Satisfaction with Internet-Based Services. HICSS 2002: 174
13EEMohamed Khalifa, Sammi K. N. Cheng: Adoption of Mobile Commerce: Role of Exposure. HICSS 2002: 46
12EENarasimha Bolloju, Mohamed Khalifa, Efraim Turban: Integrating knowledge management into enterprise environments for the next generation decision support. Decision Support Systems 33(2): 163-176 (2002)
11EEMohamed Khalifa, Ron Chi-Wai Kwok, Robert M. Davison: GSS Facilitation Restrictiveness in Collaborative Learning. HICSS 2001
10 Mohamed Khalifa, Rinky Lam, Matthew K. O. Lee: An Integrative Framework for Knowledge Management Effectiveness. ICIS 2001: 135-144
9 Mohamed Khalifa, Vanessa Liu: Satisfaction with Internet-Based Services: A Longitudinal Study. ICIS 2001: 601-606
8EEMoez Limayem, Mohamed Khalifa: Business-to-Consumer Electronic Commerce: A Longitudinal Study. ISCC 2000: 286-290
7EEMohamed Khalifa, Rinky Lam: Effects of Hypertext Navigational Structure on Knowledge Acquisition. NLDB 2000: 366
6EEMohamed Khalifa, Robert M. Davison: Exploring the Telecommuting Paradox. Commun. ACM 43(3): 29-31 (2000)
5 Moez Limayem, Mohamed Khalifa, A. Frini: What makes consumers buy from Internet? A longitudinal study of online shopping. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 30(4): 421-432 (2000)
4EEMoez Limayem, Mohamed Khalifa, Wynne W. Chin: Factors motivating software piracy: a longitudinal study. ICIS 1999: 124-131
3EEMohamed Khalifa: Effects of Hypertext on Knowledge Construction. HICSS (1) 1998: 294-300
2EERon Chi-Wai Kwok, Mohamed Khalifa: Effect of GSS on Meaningful Learning. HICSS (1) 1998: 463-469
1EEMohamed Khalifa: Computer-Assisted Evaluation of Interface Designs. DATA BASE 29(1): 66-81 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Probir Banerjee [17]
2Narasimha Bolloju (Narsi Bolloju) [12]
3Sammi K. N. Cheng [13]
4Wynne W. Chin [4]
5Robert M. Davison [6] [11]
6A. Frini [5]
7Ron Chi-Wai Kwok [2] [11]
8Rinky Lam [7] [10]
9Matthew K. O. Lee [10]
10Moez Limayem [4] [5] [8] [16]
11Vanessa Liu [9] [14] [15] [19] [20]
12Louis C. K. Ma [17]
13Kathy Ning Shen [22] [23] [24]
14Ning Shen [18] [21]
15Efraim Turban [12]
16Angela Yan Yu [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)