
Wynne W. Chin

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12EEAndrew Schwarz, Manjari Mehta, Norman Johnson, Wynne W. Chin: Understanding frameworks and reviews: a commentary to assist us in moving our field forward by analyzing our past. DATA BASE 38(3): 29-50 (2007)
11EEJens Dibbern, Wynne W. Chin, Armin Heinzl: The Impact of Human Asset Specificity on the Sourcing of Application Services. ECIS 2005
10EEAndrew Schwarz, Iris A. Junglas, Vlad Krotov, Wynne W. Chin: Exploring the role of experience and compatibility in using mobile technologies. Inf. Syst. E-Business Management 2(4): 337-356 (2004)
9EEMoez Limayem, Sabine Gabriele Hirt, Wynne W. Chin: Intention does not always Matter: The Contingent Role of Habit in IT Usage Behaviour. ECIS 2001
8 Guy G. Gable, Wynne W. Chin: Client Versus Consultant Influence on Client Involvement in Computer System Selection Projects: A Two-Actor Model of the Theory of Planned Behavior. ICIS 2001: 249-260
7EEWynne W. Chin, Matthew K. O. Lee: A proposed model and measurement instrument for the formation of IS satisfaction: the case of end-user computing satisfaction. ICIS 2000: 553-563
6EEWynne W. Chin: Partial least squares for IS researchers: an overview and presentation of recent advances using the PLS approach. ICIS 2000: 741-742
5EEMoez Limayem, Mohamed Khalifa, Wynne W. Chin: Factors motivating software piracy: a longitudinal study. ICIS 1999: 124-131
4EEWynne W. Chin: Issues and Opinion on Structural Equation Modeling. MIS Quarterly 22(1): (1998)
3EEWilliam David Salisbury, Abhijit Gopal, Wynne W. Chin: Are We All Working from the Same Script? Developing an Instrument to Measure Consensus on the Appropriation of an Electronic Meeting System. HICSS (3) 1996: 13-23
2EEWynne W. Chin, Abhijit Gopal: Adoption Intention in GSS: Relative Importance of Beliefs. DATA BASE 26(2&3): 42-64 (1995)
1 Wynne W. Chin, Barbara L. Marcolin: The Partial Least Squares Approach for Causal Modeling in IS Research. ICIS 1994: 505

Coauthor Index

1Jens Dibbern [11]
2Guy G. Gable [8]
3Abhijit Gopal [2] [3]
4Armin Heinzl [11]
5Sabine Gabriele Hirt [9]
6Norman Johnson [12]
7Iris A. Junglas [10]
8Mohamed Khalifa [5]
9Vlad Krotov [10]
10Matthew K. O. Lee [7]
11Moez Limayem [5] [9]
12Barbara L. Marcolin [1]
13Manjari Mehta [12]
14William David Salisbury [3]
15Andrew Schwarz [10] [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)