
Issam A. Hamid

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7EEDavid Ramamonjisoa, Einoshin Suzuki, Issam A. Hamid: Research Topics Discovery from WWW by Keywords Association Rules. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing 2000: 412-419
6EEIsmaïl Khriss, Rudolf K. Keller, Issam A. Hamid: Pattern-based refinement schemas for design knowledge transfer. Knowl.-Based Syst. 13(6): 403-415 (2000)
5EEDavid Ramamonjisoa, Issam A. Hamid: Design and Implementation of Multi-Agent for Intelligent Software. APSEC 1999: 268-
4 David Ramamonjisoa, Issam A. Hamid: Modelling Multi-Agent Coordination. EJC 1999: 109-113
3EEIssam A. Hamid: A dynamic Extension for the Specification of Distributed Systems. APSEC 1996: 256-267
2 Issam A. Hamid, Ferhat Khendek: A Dynamic Evolution for the Specifications of Distributed Systems. ASIAN 1996: 287-298
1EEIssam A. Hamid, Mohamed Erradi: Dynamic Evolution of Distributed Systems Specifications Using Reflective Language. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 5(4): 511-540 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Mohamed Erradi [1]
2Rudolf K. Keller [6]
3Ferhat Khendek [2]
4Ismaïl Khriss [6]
5David Ramamonjisoa [4] [5] [7]
6Einoshin Suzuki [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)