
Walter R. Bischofberger

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12EEWalter R. Bischofberger, Jan Kühl, Silvio Löffler: Sotograph - A Pragmatic Approach to Source Code Architecture Conformance Checking. EWSA 2004: 1-9
11 Kai-Uwe Mätzel, Walter R. Bischofberger: Building Reliable Distributed Systems with CORBA. TAPOS 3(4): 265-283 (1997)
10EEKai-Uwe Mätzel, Walter R. Bischofberger: The Any Framework: A Pragmatic Approach to Flexibility. COOTS 1996
9EEDirk Bäumer, Walter R. Bischofberger, Horst Lichter, Heinz Züllighoven: User Interface Prototyping - Concepts, Tools, and Experience. ICSE 1996: 532-541
8 Silvano Maffeis, Walter R. Bischofberger, Kai-Uwe Mätzel: A generic multicast transport service to support disconnected operation. Wireless Networks 2(1): 87-96 (1996)
7EESilvano Maffeis, Walter R. Bischofberger, Kai-Uwe Mätzel: A Generic Multicast Transport Service to Support Disconnected Operation. Symposium on Mobile and Location-Independent Computing 1995: 79-90
6 Walter R. Bischofberger, Thomas Kofler, Bruno Schäffer: Object-Oriented Programming Environments: Requirements and Approaches. Software - Concepts and Tools 15(2): 49-60 (1994)
5 Andreas Birrer, Walter R. Bischofberger, Erich Gamma, Bruno Schäffer, André Weinand: Object-oriented software development in a commercial environment: the evolution of ET++. OOPS Messenger 4(2): 159-161 (1993)
4 Walter R. Bischofberger: Sniff: a pragmatic approach to a C++ programming environment (abstract). OOPS Messenger 4(2): 229 (1993)
3 Walter R. Bischofberger: Sniff: A Pragmatic Approach to a C++ Programming Environment. C++ Conference 1992: 67-82
2 Gustav Pomberger, Walter R. Bischofberger, Dieter Kolb, Wolfgang Pree, Holger Schlemm: Prototyping-Oriented Software Development - Concepts and Tools. Structured Programming 12(1): 43-60 (1991)
1 Walter R. Bischofberger, Rudolf K. Keller: Enhancing the Software Life Cycle by Prototyping. Structured Programming 10(1): 47-59 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Dirk Bäumer [9]
2Andreas Birrer [5]
3Erich Gamma [5]
4Rudolf K. Keller [1]
5Thomas Kofler [6]
6Dieter Kolb [2]
7Jan Kühl [12]
8Horst Lichter [9]
9Silvio Löffler [12]
10Silvano Maffeis [7] [8]
11Kai-Uwe Mätzel [7] [8] [10] [11]
12Gustav Pomberger [2]
13Wolfgang Pree [2]
14Bruno Schäffer [5] [6]
15Holger Schlemm [2]
16André Weinand [5]
17Heinz Züllighoven [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)