
Thomas Barr

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3EENathaniel Ross Pinckney, Thomas Barr, Michael Dayringer, Matthew McKnett, Nan Jiang, Carl Nygaard, David Money Harris, Joel Stanley, Braden Phillips: A MIPS R2000 implementation. DAC 2008: 102-107
2EEThomas Barr, C. Byron, Z. Duron, Robert M. Keller, B. Lickly, Carl Nygaard, K. Roberts, Michael AuYeung, Joseph Betser, J. Coggi, Brooks Davis, Craig A. Lee, D. Stodden, Mark Thomas: Grid-enabling orbital analysis and computationally intensive applications for a growing set of diversified users. NOMS 2008: 615-629
1EEThomas Barr: Architectural Overview of the Computational Intelligence Testing Tool: CI-Tool. HASE 2004: 269-270

Coauthor Index

1Michael AuYeung [2]
2Joseph Betser [2]
3C. Byron [2]
4J. Coggi [2]
5Brooks Davis [2]
6Michael Dayringer [3]
7Z. Duron [2]
8David Money Harris [3]
9Nan Jiang [3]
10Robert M. Keller [2]
11Craig A. Lee [2]
12B. Lickly [2]
13Matthew McKnett [3]
14Carl Nygaard [2] [3]
15Braden Phillips [3]
16Nathaniel Ross Pinckney [3]
17K. Roberts [2]
18Joel Stanley [3]
19D. Stodden [2]
20Mark Thomas [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)