
Brooks Davis

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4EEThomas Barr, C. Byron, Z. Duron, Robert M. Keller, B. Lickly, Carl Nygaard, K. Roberts, Michael AuYeung, Joseph Betser, J. Coggi, Brooks Davis, Craig A. Lee, D. Stodden, Mark Thomas: Grid-enabling orbital analysis and computationally intensive applications for a growing set of diversified users. NOMS 2008: 615-629
3EEBrooks Davis, Michael AuYeung, Gary Green, Craig A. Lee: Building a High-performance Computing Cluster Using FreeBSD. BSDCon 2003: 35-46
2EECraig A. Lee, Eric Coe, B. Scott Michel, James Stepanek, Ignacio Solis, J. Matt Clark, Brooks Davis: Using Topology-Aware Communication Services in Grid Environments. CCGRID 2003: 534-541
1EECraig A. Lee, Eric Coe, J. Matt Clark, Brooks Davis: Managing Advanced Communication Services Using Active Network Overlays in Grid Environments. Active Middleware Services 2002: 11-18

Coauthor Index

1Michael AuYeung [3] [4]
2Thomas Barr [4]
3Joseph Betser [4]
4C. Byron [4]
5J. Matt Clark [1] [2]
6Eric Coe [1] [2]
7J. Coggi [4]
8Z. Duron [4]
9Gary Green [3]
10Robert M. Keller [4]
11Craig A. Lee [1] [2] [3] [4]
12B. Lickly [4]
13B. Scott Michel [2]
14Carl Nygaard [4]
15K. Roberts [4]
16Ignacio Solis [2]
17James Stepanek [2]
18D. Stodden [4]
19Mark Thomas [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)