2006 |
15 | EE | Ralf Keller,
Marc Vorwerk,
Colin Barschel:
Voice Call Continuity - A Novel Mobility Scheme for Voice on Call Control Level.
VTC Fall 2006: 1-5 |
14 | EE | Ralf Keller:
IP basierte mobile Systeme (IP based Networks).
it - Information Technology 48(5): 251- (2006) |
13 | EE | Matthias Siebert,
Bangnan Xu,
M. Grigat,
Erik Weiss,
Nico Bayer,
Dmitry Sivchenko,
Thomas R. Banniza,
Klaus Wünstel,
Stefan Wahl,
Rolf Sigle,
Ralf Keller,
Armin Dekorsy,
Markus Bauer,
Michael Söllner,
J. Eichinger,
C. Fan,
F. Pittmann,
R. Kühne,
Morten Schläger,
I. Baumgart,
Roland Bless,
S. Stefanov:
ScaleNet - Converged Networks of the Future (ScaleNet - Konvergente Netze der Zukunft).
it - Information Technology 48(5): 253- (2006) |
2005 |
12 | EE | Ian Herwono,
Joachim Sachs,
Ralf Keller:
Provisioning and performance of mobility-aware personalized push services in wireless broadband hotspots.
Computer Networks 49(3): 364-384 (2005) |
2002 |
11 | EE | Grigorios Plitsis,
Ralf Keller,
Joachim Sachs:
Realization of a push service for Media Points based on SIP.
MWCN 2002: 256-260 |
2000 |
10 | EE | Jörg Diederich,
Thorsten Lohmar,
Martina Zitterbart,
Ralf Keller:
On Integrating Differentiated Services and UMTS Networks.
LCN 2000: 196- |
9 | EE | Jörg Diederich,
Thorsten Lohmar,
Martina Zitterbart,
Ralf Keller:
Traffic Phase Effects with RED and Constant Bit Rate UDP-Based Traffic.
QofIS 2000: 233-244 |
1995 |
8 | | Ralf Keller:
Architektur und Implementierung eines Anwendungsprotokolls für digitale Filme.
Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 1995: 156-172 |
7 | | Stefan Fischer,
Ralf Keller:
Quality of Service Mapping in Distributed Multimedia Systems.
MMNET 1995: 132-141 |
6 | EE | Ralf Keller,
Wolfgang Effelsberg,
Bernd Lamparter:
XMovie: Architecture and Implementation of a Distributed Movie System.
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 13(4): 471-499 (1995) |
1994 |
5 | | Ralf Keller,
Stefan Fischer,
Wolfgang Effelsberg:
Implementing Movie Control, Access and Management - From a Formal Description to a Working Multimedia System.
ICDCS 1994: 276-283 |
1993 |
4 | | Ralf Keller,
Wolfgang Effelsberg:
MCAM: An Application Layer Protocol for Movie Control, Access, and Management.
ACM Multimedia 1993: 21-29 |
3 | | Wolfgang Effelsberg,
Bernd Lamparter,
Ralf Keller:
Application layer issues for digital movies in high-speed networks.
Architecture and Protocols for High-Speed Networks 1993: 273-292 |
2 | | Ralf Keller:
Erweiterung des X11-Servers zur digitalen Bewegtbilddarstellung.
Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 1993: 589-598 |
1 | | Ralf Keller,
Wolfgang Effelsberg,
Bernd Lamparter:
Performance Bottlenecks in Digital Movie Systems.
NOSSDAV 1993: 161-172 |