
Roland Bless

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9EERoland Bless, Martin Röhricht: QoS Support for Mobile Users Using NSIS. Networking 2009: 169-181
8EEThomas Gamer, Marcus Schöller, Roland Bless: An Extensible and Flexible System for Network Anomaly Detection. Autonomic Networking 2006: 97-108
7EEMatthias Siebert, Bangnan Xu, M. Grigat, Erik Weiss, Nico Bayer, Dmitry Sivchenko, Thomas R. Banniza, Klaus Wünstel, Stefan Wahl, Rolf Sigle, Ralf Keller, Armin Dekorsy, Markus Bauer, Michael Söllner, J. Eichinger, C. Fan, F. Pittmann, R. Kühne, Morten Schläger, I. Baumgart, Roland Bless, S. Stefanov: ScaleNet - Converged Networks of the Future (ScaleNet - Konvergente Netze der Zukunft). it - Information Technology 48(5): 253- (2006)
6EERoland Bless: Towards scalable management of QoS-based end-to-end services. NOMS (1) 2004: 293-306
5EERoland Bless, Mark Doll: Integration of the FreeBSD TCP/IP-Stack into the Discrete Event Simulator OMNet++. Winter Simulation Conference 2004: 1556-
4EERoland Bless: Dynamic Aggregation of Reservations for Internet Services. Telecommunication Systems 26(1): 33-52 (2004)
3 Roland Bless, Mark Doll, Klaus Wehrle, Martina Zitterbart: DiffServ-basierte Dienstgüte im Internet der nächsten Generation. Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation 25(2): 104-111 (2002)
2EERoland Bless, Klaus Wehrle: Group Communication in Differentiated Services Networks. CCGRID 2001: 618-625
1EERoland Bless, Dirk Holzhausen, Klaus Wehrle: Towards Better Support of Transaction Oriented Communication in Differentiated Services Networks. QofIS 2001: 158-169

Coauthor Index

1Thomas R. Banniza [7]
2Markus Bauer [7]
3I. Baumgart [7]
4Nico Bayer [7]
5Armin Dekorsy [7]
6Mark Doll [3] [5]
7J. Eichinger [7]
8C. Fan [7]
9Thomas Gamer [8]
10M. Grigat [7]
11Dirk Holzhausen [1]
12Ralf Keller [7]
13R. Kühne [7]
14F. Pittmann [7]
15Martin Röhricht [9]
16Morten Schläger [7]
17Marcus Schöller [8]
18Matthias Siebert [7]
19Rolf Sigle [7]
20Dmitry Sivchenko [7]
21Michael Söllner [7]
22S. Stefanov [7]
23Stefan Wahl [7]
24Klaus Wehrle [1] [2] [3]
25Erik Weiss [7]
26Klaus Wünstel [7]
27Bangnan Xu [7]
28Martina Zitterbart [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)