
Joachim Sachs

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6EEMartin Johnsson, Joachim Sachs, Teemu Rinta-aho, Tony Jokikyyny: Ambient Networks - A Framework for Multi-Access Control in Heterogeneous Networks. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
5EEJoachim Sachs, Ramon Aguero, Miguel Berg, Jens Gebert, Ljupco Jorguseski, Ingo Karla, Peter Karlsson, George P. Koudouridis, Johan Lundsjö, Mikael Prytz, Ove Strandberg: Migration of Existing Access Networks Towards Multi-Radio Access. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
4EEIan Herwono, Joachim Sachs, Ralf Keller: Provisioning and performance of mobility-aware personalized push services in wireless broadband hotspots. Computer Networks 49(3): 364-384 (2005)
3 Jan Kritzner, Markus Kampmann, Joachim Sachs: TPTR - Ein Transportprotokoll mit einstellbarer Zuverlässigkeit für drahtlose Streaming-Anwendungen. GI Jahrestagung (2) 2004: 246-250
2EEJan Kritzner, Uwe Horn, Markus Kampmann, Joachim Sachs: Priority Based Packet Scheduling with Tunable Reliability for Wireless Streaming. HSNMC 2004: 707-717
1EEGrigorios Plitsis, Ralf Keller, Joachim Sachs: Realization of a push service for Media Points based on SIP. MWCN 2002: 256-260

Coauthor Index

1Ramon Aguero [5]
2Miguel Berg [5]
3Jens Gebert [5]
4Ian Herwono [4]
5Uwe Horn [2]
6Martin Johnsson [6]
7Tony Jokikyyny [6]
8Ljupco Jorguseski [5]
9Markus Kampmann [2] [3]
10Ingo Karla [5]
11Peter Karlsson [5]
12Ralf Keller [1] [4]
13George P. Koudouridis [5]
14Jan Kritzner [2] [3]
15Johan Lundsjö [5]
16Grigorios Plitsis [1]
17Mikael Prytz [5]
18Teemu Rinta-aho [6]
19Ove Strandberg [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)