
Ian Herwono

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3EEIan Herwono, Joachim Sachs, Ralf Keller: Provisioning and performance of mobility-aware personalized push services in wireless broadband hotspots. Computer Networks 49(3): 364-384 (2005)
2EEIan Herwono, Ingo Liebhardt: Performance of WTLS and Its Impact on an M-commerce Transaction. ICICS 2001: 167-171
1 Ian Herwono, M. E. Lekkou, K. Müller, Horst Tuchel: Crossborder Cooperation on Multimedia Distance Learning: the ELEKTRA Project in the Euregion Meuse-Rhine. GI Jahrestagung 1997: 247-256

Coauthor Index

1Ralf Keller [3]
2M. E. Lekkou [1]
3Ingo Liebhardt [2]
4K. Müller [1]
5Joachim Sachs [3]
6Horst Tuchel [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)