
Takeshi Kaneko

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4EEYasuhiro Tsubo, Takeshi Kaneko, Shigeru Shinomoto: Predicting spike timings of current-injected neurons. Neural Networks 17(2): 165-173 (2004)
3EEKohtaro Ohba, Jesus Carlos Pedraza Ortega, Kazuo Tanie, Gakuyoshi Rin, Ryoichi Dangi, Yoshinori Takei, Takeshi Kaneko, Nobuaki Kawahara: Micro-observation technique for tele-micro-operation. Advanced Robotics 15(8): 781-798 (2001)
2EEToshio Aoyagi, Nobuhiko Terada, Youngnam Kang, Takeshi Kaneko, Tomoki Fukai: A bursting mechanism of chattering neurons based on Ca2+-dependent cationic currents. Neurocomputing 38-40: 93-98 (2001)
1EEKohtaro Ohba, Jesus Carlos Pedraza Ortega, Kazuo Tanie, Gakuyoshi Rin, Ryoichi Dangi, Yoshinori Takei, Takeshi Kaneko, Nobuaki Kawahara: Real-Time Micro Environmental Observation with Virtual Reality. ICPR 2000: 4487-4490

Coauthor Index

1Toshio Aoyagi [2]
2Ryoichi Dangi [1] [3]
3Tomoki Fukai [2]
4Youngnam Kang [2]
5Nobuaki Kawahara [1] [3]
6Kohtaro Ohba [1] [3]
7Jesus Carlos Pedraza Ortega [1] [3]
8Gakuyoshi Rin [1] [3]
9Shigeru Shinomoto [4]
10Yoshinori Takei [1] [3]
11Kazuo Tanie [1] [3]
12Nobuhiko Terada [2]
13Yasuhiro Tsubo [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)