
Yasuaki Kanatsugu

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17EETakuya Handa, Tadahiro Sakai, Kinji Matsumura, Yasuaki Kanatsugu, Nobuyuki Hiruma, Takayuki Ito: An Evaluation of Accessibility of Hierarchical Data Structures in Data Broadcasting -Using Tactile Interface for Visually-Impaired People-. HCI (7) 2007: 45-54
16EEKinji Matsumura, Yasuaki Kanatsugu, Takuya Handa, Tadahiro Sakai: Restoring Semantics to BML Content for Data Broadcasting Accessibility. HCI (7) 2007: 88-97
15EEWentao Zheng, Toshihiko Misu, Masahide Naemura, Yoshinori Izumi, Yasuaki Kanatsugu: Moving object extraction with cooperative cameras. Systems and Computers in Japan 35(1): 13-25 (2004)
14EEToshihiko Misu, Hajime Sonehara, Wentao Zheng, Masahide Naemura, Yasuaki Kanatsugu, Yoshinori Izumi, Yutaka Tanaka: Scene-adaptive switching of segmentation methods for object-based video encoding. Systems and Computers in Japan 35(8): 31-44 (2004)
13 Sang Hwa Lee, Sang Yoon Park, Nam Ik Cho, Yasuaki Kanatsugu, Jong-Il Park: Occlusion detection and stereo matching in a stochastic method. ICIP (1) 2003: 377-380
12 Sang Hwa Lee, Nam Ik Cho, Yasuaki Kanatsugu, Jong-Il Park: Simultaneous object extraction and disparity estimation using stochastic diffusion. ICIP (3) 2003: 457-460
11 Sang Hwa Lee, Yasuaki Kanatsugu, Jong-Il Park: A hierarchical method of MAP-based stochastic diffusion and disparity estimation. ICIP (2) 2002: 541-544
10EEWentao Zheng, Yoshiaki Shishikui, Masahide Naemura, Yasuaki Kanatsugu, Susumu Itoh: Analysis of space-dependent characteristics of motion-compensated frame differences based on a statistical motion distribution model. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 11(4): 377-386 (2002)
9 Sang Hwa Lee, Yasuaki Kanatsugu, Jong-Il Park: MAP-Based Stochastic Diffusion for Stereo Matching and Line Fields Estimation. International Journal of Computer Vision 47(1-3): 195-218 (2002)
8EEShinichi Sakaida, Masahide Naemura, Yasuaki Kanatsugu: Moving object extraction using background difference and region growing with a spatiotemporal watershed algorithm. Systems and Computers in Japan 33(12): 11-26 (2002)
7EEWentao Zheng, Yoshiaki Shishikui, Masahide Naemura, Yasuaki Kanatsugu, Susumu Itoh: Analysis of overlapped block motion compensation based on a statistical motion distribution model. ICIP (3) 2001: 522-525
6EESang Hwa Lee, Yasuaki Kanatsugu, Jong-Il Park: Object segmentation in stereo image using cooperative line field in stochastic diffusion. ICIP (3) 2001: 62-65
5EEMakoto Tadenuma, Yasuaki Kanatsugu, Yutaka Tanaka: Relationship between fluctuations of disparity data and picture quality in stereoscopic image. Systems and Computers in Japan 32(8): 20-29 (2001)
4 Wentao Zheng, Yasuaki Kanatsugu, Susumu Itoh, Yutaka Tanaka: Analysis of Space-Dependent Characteristics of Motion-Compensated Frame Differences. ICIP 2000
3 Wentao Zheng, Yasuaki Kanatsugu, Yoshiaki Shishikui, Yutaka Tanaka: Robust Depth-Map Estimation from Image Sequences with Precise Camera Operation Parameters. ICIP 2000
2 Wentao Zheng, Yoshiaki Shishikui, Yasuaki Kanatsugu, Yutaka Tanaka: A High-Precision Camera Operation Parameter Measurement System and Its Application to Image Motion Inferring. ICIP (3) 1999: 695-699
1EEShiperu Shimoda, Masaki Hayashi, Yasuaki Kanatsugu: Electronic Studio Sets Controlled by a Computer (Abstract). ACM Conference on Computer Science 1990: 439

Coauthor Index

1Nam Ik Cho [12] [13]
2Takuya Handa [16] [17]
3Masaki Hayashi [1]
4Nobuyuki Hiruma [17]
5Takayuki Ito [17]
6Susumu Itoh [4] [7] [10]
7Yoshinori Izumi [14] [15]
8Sang Hwa Lee [6] [9] [11] [12] [13]
9Kinji Matsumura [16] [17]
10Toshihiko Misu [14] [15]
11Masahide Naemura [7] [8] [10] [14] [15]
12Jong-Il Park [6] [9] [11] [12] [13]
13Sang Yoon Park [13]
14Tadahiro Sakai [16] [17]
15Shinichi Sakaida [8]
16Shiperu Shimoda [1]
17Yoshiaki Shishikui [2] [3] [7] [10]
18Hajime Sonehara [14]
19Makoto Tadenuma [5]
20Yutaka Tanaka [2] [3] [4] [5] [14]
21Wentao Zheng [2] [3] [4] [7] [10] [14] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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