
Richard Y. Kain

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24EEGyungho Lee, Byung-Chang Kang, Richard Y. Kain: Analysis of Finite Buffered Multistage Combining Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 6(7): 760-766 (1995)
23EEZhijun Tong, Richard Y. Kain, W. T. Tsai: Rollback Recovery in Distributed Systems Using Loosely Synchronized Clocks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 3(2): 246-251 (1992)
22 Byung-Chang Kang, Gyungho Lee, Richard Y. Kain: Performance of Multistage Combining Networks. ICPP (1) 1991: 550-553
21EEByung-Chang Kang, Gyungho Lee, Richard Y. Kain: A performance bound analysis of multistage combining networks using a probabilistic model. ICS 1991: 448-457
20 Zhijun Tong, Richard Y. Kain: Vote Assignments in Weighted Voting Mechanisms. IEEE Trans. Computers 40(5): 664-667 (1991)
19 Zhijun Tong, Richard Y. Kain, W. T. Tsai: A Low Overhead Checkpointing and Rollback Recovery Scheme for Distributed Systems. SRDS 1989: 12-20
18 Zhijun Tong, Richard Y. Kain: Vote Assignments in Weighted Voting Mechanisms. SRDS 1988: 138-143
17EEShervin Hojat, Richard Y. Kain: On the simplification of a placement problem. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 7(7): 805-812 (1988)
16 Richard Y. Kain, Carl E. Landwehr: On Access Checking in Capability-Based Systems. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 13(2): 202-207 (1987)
15 Richard Y. Kain, Carl E. Landwehr: On Access Checking in Capability-Based Systems. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1986: 95-101
14EEK. P. Hoyme, Steven C. Bruell, P. V. Afshari, Richard Y. Kain: A Tree-Structured Mean Value Analysis Algorithm. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 4(2): 178-185 (1986)
13 Kostas N. Oikonomou, Richard Y. Kain: Abstractions for Node Level Passive Fault Detection in Distributed Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 32(6): 543-550 (1983)
12 P. V. Afshari, Steven C. Bruell, Richard Y. Kain: On the Load Balancing Bus Accessing Scheme. IEEE Trans. Computers 32(8): 766-770 (1983)
11 P. V. Afshari, Steven C. Bruell, Richard Y. Kain: Modeling a New Technique for Accessing Shared Buses. SIGMETRICS 1982: 4-13
10 William R. Franta, E. Douglas Jensen, Richard Y. Kain, George D. Marshall: Real-Time Distributed Computer Systems. Advances in Computers 20: 39-82 (1981)
9 Richard Y. Kain, William R. Franta, George D. Jelatis: CHIMPNET: A Network Testbed. Computer Networks 3: 447-457 (1979)
8 E. Douglas Jensen, Richard Y. Kain: The Honeywell Modular Microprogram Machine: M3. ISCA 1977: 17-28
7 Richard Y. Kain: How to Evaluate Page Replacement Algorithms. SOSP 1975: 1-5
6 Kuchibhotla V. Sastry, Richard Y. Kain: On the Performance of Certain Multiprocessor Computer Organizations. IEEE Trans. Computers 24(11): 1066-1074 (1975)
5  Arvind, Richard Y. Kain, E. Sadeh: On Reference String Generation Processes. SOSP 1973: 80-87
4 C. C. Huang, Richard Y. Kain, Larry L. Kinney: Output Sufficient Modules for Uniform Decomposition of Synchronous Sequential Circuits FOCS 1972: 192-199
3EERichard Y. Kain: Block structures, indirect addressing, and garbage collection. Commun. ACM 12(7): 395-398 (1969)
2EERichard Y. Kain: Aesop and the referee: a fable. Commun. ACM 10(3): 138 (1967)
1EEDale E. Jordan, Lewis C. Clapp, Richard Y. Kain: Symbolic factoring of polynomials in several variables. Commun. ACM 9(8): 638-643 (1966)

Coauthor Index

1P. V. Afshari [11] [12] [14]
2 Arvind [5]
3Steven C. Bruell [11] [12] [14]
4Lewis C. Clapp [1]
5William R. Franta [9] [10]
6Shervin Hojat [17]
7K. P. Hoyme [14]
8C. C. Huang [4]
9George D. Jelatis [9]
10E. Douglas Jensen [8] [10]
11Dale E. Jordan [1]
12Byung-Chang Kang [21] [22] [24]
13Larry L. Kinney [4]
14Carl E. Landwehr [15] [16]
15Gyungho Lee [21] [22] [24]
16George D. Marshall [10]
17Kostas N. Oikonomou [13]
18E. Sadeh [5]
19Kuchibhotla V. Sastry [6]
20Zhijun Tong [18] [19] [20] [23]
21W. T. Tsai [19] [23]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)