2008 |
55 | EE | Oliver Fritzen,
Wolfgang May,
Franz Schenk:
Markup and Component Interoperability for Active Rules.
RR 2008: 197-204 |
54 | EE | Erik Behrends,
Oliver Fritzen,
Wolfgang May,
Franz Schenk:
Embedding Event Algebras and Process for ECA Rules for the Semantic Web.
Fundam. Inform. 82(3): 237-263 (2008) |
53 | EE | Wolfgang May,
Erik Behrends,
Oliver Fritzen:
Integrating and querying distributed XML data via XLink.
Inf. Syst. 33(6): 508-566 (2008) |
2007 |
52 | | Enrico Franconi,
Michael Kifer,
Wolfgang May:
The Semantic Web: Research and Applications, 4th European Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2007, Innsbruck, Austria, June 3-7, 2007, Proceedings
Springer 2007 |
51 | EE | Heiko Kattenstroth,
Wolfgang May,
Franz Schenk:
Combining OWL with F-Logic Rules and Defaults.
ALPSWS 2007 |
50 | | Clemens Dubian,
Wolfgang May:
Design and Usage of an IT-System for Workplace Management with Ergonomic Analysis Under Health Protection Aspects.
EMISA 2007: 163-176 |
49 | EE | Erik Behrends,
Oliver Fritzen,
Tobias Knabke,
Wolfgang May,
Franz Schenk:
Rule-Based Active Domain Brokering for the Semantic Web.
RR 2007: 259-268 |
2006 |
48 | | José Júlio Alferes,
James Bailey,
Wolfgang May,
Uta Schwertel:
Principles and Practice of Semantic Web Reasoning, 4th International Workshop, PPSWR 2006, Budva, Montenegro, June 10-11, 2006, Revised Selected Papers
Springer 2006 |
47 | EE | Erik Behrends,
Oliver Fritzen,
Wolfgang May:
Handling Interlinked XML Instances on the Web.
EDBT 2006: 792-810 |
46 | EE | Erik Behrends,
Oliver Fritzen,
Wolfgang May:
Querying Along XLinks in XPath/XQuery: Situation, Applications, Perspectives.
EDBT Workshops 2006: 662-674 |
45 | EE | Erik Behrends,
Oliver Fritzen,
Wolfgang May,
Daniel Schubert:
An ECA Engine for Deploying Heterogeneous Component Languages in the Semantic Web.
EDBT Workshops 2006: 887-898 |
44 | EE | Wolfgang May,
Franz Schenk,
Elke von Lienen:
Extending an OWL Web Node with Reactive Behavior.
PPSWR 2006: 134-148 |
43 | EE | Erik Behrends,
Oliver Fritzen,
Wolfgang May,
Franz Schenk:
Combining ECA Rules with Process Algebras for the Semantic Web.
RuleML 2006: 29-38 |
42 | EE | Peter A. Boncz,
Angela Bonifati,
Arantza Illarramendi,
Peter Janacik,
Birgitta König-Ries,
Wolfgang Lehner,
Pedro José Marrón,
Wolfgang May,
Aris M. Ouksel,
Kay Römer,
Brahmananda Sapkota,
Kai-Uwe Sattler,
Heinz Schweppe,
Rita Steinmetz,
Can Türker:
06431 Working Group Report on Managing and Integrating Data in P2P Databases.
Scalable Data Management in Evolving Networks 2006 |
41 | EE | Peter A. Boncz,
Angela Bonifati,
Joos-Hendrik Böse,
Stefan Böttcher,
Panos K. Chrysanthis,
Le Gruenwald,
Arantza Illarramendi,
Peter Janacik,
Birgitta König-Ries,
Wolfgang May,
Anirban Mondal,
Sebastian Obermeier,
Aris M. Ouksel,
George Samaras:
06431 Working Group Summary: P2P, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks - All the Different or All the Same?.
Scalable Data Management in Evolving Networks 2006 |
2005 |
40 | EE | Wolfgang May:
Reasoning im und für das Semantic Web.
Grundlagen von Datenbanken 2005: 9-20 |
39 | EE | Wolfgang May,
José Júlio Alferes,
Ricardo Amador:
An Ontology- and Resources-Based Approach to Evolution and Reactivity in the Semantic Web.
OTM Conferences (2) 2005: 1553-1570 |
38 | EE | José Júlio Alferes,
Ricardo Amador,
Wolfgang May:
A General Language for Evolution and Reactivity in the Semantic Web.
PPSWR 2005: 101-115 |
37 | EE | José Júlio Alferes,
Wolfgang May:
Evolution and Reactivity for the Web.
Reasoning Web 2005: 134-172 |
36 | EE | Wolfgang May,
José Júlio Alferes,
Ricardo Amador:
Active Rules in the Semantic Web: Dealing with Language Heterogeneity.
RuleML 2005: 30-44 |
35 | EE | Wolfgang May:
Logic-based XML data integration: a semi-materializing approach.
J. Applied Logic 3(1): 271-307 (2005) |
2004 |
34 | EE | Wolfgang May,
José Júlio Alferes,
François Bry:
Towards Generic Query, Update, and Event Languages for the Semantic Web.
PPSWR 2004: 19-33 |
33 | EE | Wolfgang May,
Georg Lausen:
A uniform framework for integration of information from the web.
Inf. Syst. 29(1): 59-91 (2004) |
32 | | Wolfgang May:
XPath-Logic and XPathLog: a logic-programming-style XML data manipulation language.
TPLP 4(3): 239-287 (2004) |
2003 |
31 | EE | Wolfgang May,
Dimitrio Malheiro:
A Logical, Transparent Model for Querying Linked XML Documents.
BTW 2003: 147-156 |
30 | | Georg Lausen,
Wolfgang May:
Anfragen, Ändern und Transformieren von XML.
Web & Datenbanken 2003: 65-97 |
29 | EE | Wolfgang May:
XPath-Logic and XPathLog: A Logic-Programming Style XML Data Manipulation Language
CoRR cs.DB/0311038: (2003) |
28 | | Wolfgang May:
Datenintegration in XML - ein regelbasierter Ansatz.
Datenbank-Spektrum 6: 23-32 (2003) |
2002 |
27 | EE | Wolfgang May:
Linking the Semantic Web with Existing Sources.
DEXA Workshops 2002: 93-97 |
26 | EE | Wolfgang May,
Bertram Ludäscher:
Understanding the global semantics of referential actions using logic rules.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 27(4): 343-397 (2002) |
2001 |
25 | EE | Wolfgang May:
A Rule-Based Querying and Updating Language for XML.
DBPL 2001: 165-181 |
24 | | Wolfgang May:
Integration of XML Data in XPathLog.
DIWeb 2001: 2-16 |
23 | | Wolfgang May:
XPathLog: A Declarative, Native XML Data Manipulation Language.
IDEAS 2001: 123-128 |
22 | EE | Wolfgang May:
A Framework for Generic Integration of XML Sources.
KRDB 2001 |
21 | EE | Wolfgang May:
LoPiX: A System for XML Data Integration and Manipulation.
VLDB 2001: 707-708 |
20 | EE | Wolfgang May,
Paul-Thomas Kandzia:
Nonmonotonic Inheritance in Object-Oriented Deductive Database Languages.
J. Log. Comput. 11(4): 499-525 (2001) |
2000 |
19 | EE | Wolfgang May:
An Integrated Architecture for Exploring, Wrapping, Mediating and Restructuring Information from the Web.
Australasian Database Conference 2000: 82-89 |
18 | | Wolfgang May:
Handling XML with a Deductive Database System.
GI-Workshop Internet-Datenbanken 2000: 31-45 |
1999 |
17 | EE | Wolfgang May:
Modeling and Querying Structure and Contents of the Web.
DEXA Workshop 1999: 721-725 |
16 | EE | Wolfgang May,
Rainer Himmeröder,
Georg Lausen,
Bertram Ludäscher:
A Unified Framework for Wrapping, Mediating and Restructuring Information from the Web.
ER (Workshops) 1999: 307-320 |
15 | | Wolfgang May:
A Tableau Calculus for a Temporal Logic with Temporal Connectives.
TABLEAUX 1999: 232-246 |
1998 |
14 | | Rainer Himmeröder,
Paul-Thomas Kandzia,
Bertram Ludäscher,
Wolfgang May,
Georg Lausen:
Search, Analysis, and Integration of Web Documents: A Case Study with FLORID.
DDLP 1998: 47-58 |
13 | EE | Bertram Ludäscher,
Wolfgang May:
Referential Actions: From Logical Semantics to Implementation.
EDBT 1998: 404-418 |
12 | EE | Georg Lausen,
Bertram Ludäscher,
Wolfgang May:
On Logical Foundations of Active Databases.
Logics for Databases and Information Systems 1998: 389-422 |
11 | EE | Georg Lausen,
Bertram Ludäscher,
Wolfgang May:
On Active Deductive Databases: The Statelog Approach.
Transactions and Change in Logic Databases 1998: 69-106 |
10 | EE | Bertram Ludäscher,
Rainer Himmeröder,
Georg Lausen,
Wolfgang May,
Christian Schlepphorst:
Managing Semistructured Data with FLORID: A Deductive Object-Oriented Perspective.
Inf. Syst. 23(8): 589-613 (1998) |
1997 |
9 | | Wolfgang May,
Bertram Ludäscher,
Georg Lausen:
Well-Founded Semantics for Deductive Object-Oriented Database Languages.
DOOD 1997: 320-336 |
8 | | Wolfgang May:
Process Modeling with Different Qualities of Knowledge.
ECSQARU-FAPR 1997: 436-450 |
7 | EE | Bertram Ludäscher,
Wolfgang May,
Georg Lausen:
Referential Actions as Logic Rules.
PODS 1997: 217-227 |
6 | | Wolfgang May,
Christian Schlepphorst,
Georg Lausen:
Integrating Dynamic Aspects into Deductive Object-Oriented Databases.
Rules in Database Systems 1997: 20-34 |
5 | | Wolfgang May:
Proving Correctness of Labled Transition Systems by Semantic Tableaux.
TABLEAUX 1997: 261-275 |
4 | | Wolfgang May:
Specifying Complex and Structured Systems with Evolving Algebras.
TAPSOFT 1997: 535-549 |
1996 |
3 | | Wolfgang May,
Peter H. Schmitt:
A Tableau Calculus for First-Order Branching Time Logic.
FAPR 1996: 399-413 |
2 | EE | Bertram Ludäscher,
Wolfgang May,
Joachim Reinert:
Towards a Logical Semantics for Referential Actions in SQL.
FMLDO 1996: 57-72 |
1 | | Bertram Ludäscher,
Wolfgang May,
Georg Lausen:
Nested Transactions in a Logical Language for Active Rules.
Logic in Databases 1996: 197-222 |