
Jin Jun

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5EEBhaskar DasGupta, Jin Jun, Ion I. Mandoiu: Primer Selection Methods for Detection of Genomic Inversions and Deletions via PAMP. APBC 2008: 353-362
4EEPaul Ryvkin, Jin Jun, Edward Hemphill, Craig Nelson: Duplication Mechanism and Disruptions in Flanking Regions Influence the Fate of Mammalian Gene Duplicates. RECOMB-CG 2008: 26-39
3EEJin Jun, Paul Ryvkin, Edward Hemphill, Ion I. Mandoiu, Craig Nelson: Estimating the Relative Contributions of New Genes from Retrotransposition and Segmental Duplication Events during Mammalian Evolution. RECOMB-CG 2008: 40-54
2EEIck-Hyun Kwon, Chang Ouk Kim, Jin Jun, Jung Hoon Lee: Case-based myopic reinforcement learning for satisfying target service level in supply chain. Expert Syst. Appl. 35(1-2): 389-397 (2008)
1EEChang Kim, Jun-Geol Baek, Jin Jun: Meta-model Driven Collaborative Object Analysis Process for Production Planning and Scheduling Domain. ICCSA (5) 2006: 839-850

Coauthor Index

1Jun-Geol Baek [1]
2Bhaskar DasGupta [5]
3Edward Hemphill [3] [4]
4Chang Kim [1]
5Chang Ouk Kim [2]
6Ick-Hyun Kwon [2]
7Jung Hoon Lee [2]
8Ion I. Mandoiu [3] [5]
9Craig Nelson [3] [4]
10Paul Ryvkin [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)