
Jeffrey J. Joyce

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15EENancy A. Day, Jeffrey J. Joyce: A Framework for Multi-Notation Requirements Specification and Analysis. ICRE 2000: 39-48
14EENancy A. Day, Jeffrey J. Joyce: Symbolic Functional Evaluation. TPHOLs 1999: 341-358
13 J. H. Andrews, Nancy A. Day, Jeffrey J. Joyce: Using a Formal Description Technique to Model Aspects of a Global Air Traffic Telecommunications Network. FORTE 1997: 417-432
12 Jeffrey J. Joyce, Carl-Johan H. Seger: Higher Order Logic Theorem Proving and its Applications, 6th International Workshop, HUG '93, Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 11-13, 1993, Proceedings Springer 1994
11 Jeffrey J. Joyce, Nancy A. Day, Michael R. Donat: S: A Machine Readable Specification Notation based on Higher Order Logic. TPHOLs 1994: 285-299
10EEJeffrey J. Joyce: Integration of CASE into undergraduate education. CASCON 1993: 128-137
9EEJeffrey J. Joyce, Carl-Johan H. Seger: Linking BDD-Based Symbolic Evaluation to Interactive Theorem-Proving. DAC 1993: 469-474
8 Jeffrey J. Joyce, Carl-Johan H. Seger: The HOL-Voss System: Model-Checking inside a General-Purpose Theorem-Prover. HUG 1993: 185-198
7 Zheng Zhu, Jeffrey J. Joyce, Carl-Johan H. Seger: Verification of the Tamarack-3 Microprocessor in a Hybrid Verification Environment. HUG 1993: 253-266
6 Nancy A. Day, Jeffrey J. Joyce: The Semantics of Statecharts in HOL. HUG 1993: 338-351
5 Sreeranga P. Rajan, Jeffrey J. Joyce, Carl-Johan H. Seger: From Abstract Data Types to Shift Registers: A Case Study in Formal Specification and Verification at Differing Levels of Abstraction using Theorem Proving and Symbolic Simulation. HUG 1993: 489-500
4 Myla Archer, Jeffrey J. Joyce, Karl N. Levitt, Phillip J. Windley: Proceedings of the 1991 International Workshop on the HOL Theorem Proving System and its Applications, August 1991, Davis, California, USA IEEE Computer Society 1992
3 Carl-Johan H. Seger, Jeffrey J. Joyce: A Two-Level Formal Verification Methodology using HOL and COSMOS. CAV 1991: 299-309
2 Jeffrey J. Joyce: Totally Verified Systems: Linking Verified Software to Verified Hardware. Hardware Specification, Verification and Synthesis 1989: 177-201
1 Jeffrey J. Joyce: Formal Specification and Verification of Asynchronous Processes in Higher-Order Logic. Specification and Verification of Concurrent Systems 1988: 384-409

Coauthor Index

1J. H. Andrews [13]
2Myla Archer [4]
3Nancy A. Day [6] [11] [13] [14] [15]
4Michael R. Donat [11]
5Karl N. Levitt [4]
6Sreeranga P. Rajan [5]
7Carl-Johan H. Seger [3] [5] [7] [8] [9] [12]
8Phillip J. Windley [4]
9Zheng Zhu [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)