
Xiangyu Jin

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12EEXiangyu Jin, James C. French, Jonathan Michel: Quantative analysis of the impact of judging inconsistency on the performance of relevance feedback. SIGIR 2006: 655-656
11EEXiangyu Jin, James C. French, Jonathan Michel: Toward Consistent Evaluation of Relevance Feedback Approaches in Multimedia Retrieval. Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval 2005: 191-206
10EEXiangyu Jin, James C. French: Improving Image Retrieval Effectiveness via Multiple Queries. Multimedia Tools Appl. 26(2): 221-245 (2005)
9EEJames C. French, Xiangyu Jin, Worthy N. Martin: An Empirical Investigation of the Scalability of a Multiple Viewpoint CBIR System. CIVR 2004: 252-260
8EEXu Xiaogang, Zhengxing Sun, Binbin Peng, Xiangyu Jin, Wenyin Liu: An online composite graphics recognition approach based on matching of spatial relation graphs. IJDAR 7(1): 44-55 (2004)
7EEBinbin Peng, Wenyin Liu, Yin Liu, Guanglin Huang, Zhengxing Sun, Xiangyu Jin: An Svm-Based Incremental Learning Algorithm For User Adaptation Of Sketch Recognition. IJPRAI 18(8): 1529-1550 (2004)
6EEXiangyu Jin, James C. French: Improving image retrieval effectiveness via multiple queries. MMDB 2003: 86-93
5 James C. French, Worthy N. Martin, James V. S. Watson, Xiangyu Jin: Integrating Multiple Multi-Channel CBIR Systems. Multimedia Information Systems 2003: 85-96
4EEXiangyu Jin, Liu Wenyin, Jianyong Sun, Zhengxing Sun: On-Line Graphics Recognition. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2002: 256-264
3EELiu Wenyin, Xiangyu Jin, Zhengxing Sun: Sketch-Based User Interface for Inputting Graphic Objects on Small Screen Devices. GREC 2001: 67-80
2EELiu Wenyin, Wenjie Qian, Rong Xiao, Xiangyu Jin: Smart Sketchpad - An On-line Graphics Recognition System. ICDAR 2001: 1050-1054
1EEJicheng Wang, Xiangyu Jin, Yang Xiaojiang, Fuyan Zhang: Distributed and Cooperative Information Retrieval on the World Wide Web. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 15(6): 611-618 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1James C. French [5] [6] [9] [10] [11] [12]
2Guanglin Huang [7]
3Wenyin Liu (Liu Wenyin) [2] [3] [4] [7] [8]
4Yin Liu [7]
5Worthy N. Martin [5] [9]
6Jonathan Michel [11] [12]
7Binbin Peng [7] [8]
8Wenjie Qian [2]
9Jianyong Sun [4]
10Zhengxing Sun [3] [4] [7] [8]
11Jicheng Wang [1]
12James V. S. Watson [5]
13Rong Xiao [2]
14Xu Xiaogang [8]
15Yang Xiaojiang [1]
16Fuyan Zhang [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)