
Xu Xiaogang

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3EEXu Guanlei, Wang Xiaotong, Xu Xiaogang: The logarithmic, Heisenberg's and short-time uncertainty principles associated with fractional Fourier transform. Signal Processing 89(3): 339-343 (2009)
2EEXu Guanlei, Wang Xiaotong, Xu Xiaogang: Fractional quaternion Fourier transform, convolution and correlation. Signal Processing 88(10): 2511-2517 (2008)
1EEXu Xiaogang, Zhengxing Sun, Binbin Peng, Xiangyu Jin, Wenyin Liu: An online composite graphics recognition approach based on matching of spatial relation graphs. IJDAR 7(1): 44-55 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Xu Guanlei [2] [3]
2Xiangyu Jin [1]
3Wenyin Liu (Liu Wenyin) [1]
4Binbin Peng [1]
5Zhengxing Sun [1]
6Wang Xiaotong [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)