
Alain Jean-Marie

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28EEAnne-Elisabeth Baert, Vincent Boudet, Alain Jean-Marie: Performance Analysis of Data Replication in Grid Delivery Networks. CISIS 2008: 369-374
27EEBruno Gaujal, Emmanuel Hyon, Alain Jean-Marie: Optimal Routing in Two Parallel Queues with Exponential Service Times. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 16(1): 71-107 (2006)
26EETigist Alemu, Yvan Calas, Alain Jean-Marie: The Interaction of Forward Error Correction and Active Queue Management. NETWORKING 2005: 1146-1155
25EEAlain Jean-Marie, Yvan Calas, Tigist Alemu: On the compromise between burstiness and frequency of events. Perform. Eval. 62(1-4): 382-399 (2005)
24 Tigist Alemu, Alain Jean-Marie: Etude de la configuration dynamique des paramètres de RED. Technique et Science Informatiques 24(2-3): 153-178 (2005)
23 Yvan Calas, Alain Jean-Marie: Qualité audio pour un schéma FEC simple. Technique et Science Informatiques 24(2-3): 203-228 (2005)
22 Yvan Calas, Alain Jean-Marie: Audio Quality for a Simple Forward Error Correcting Code. Communications in Computing 2004: 231-237
21EENicolas Galtier, Alain Jean-Marie: Markov-Modulated Markov Chains and the Covarion Process of Molecular Evolution. Journal of Computational Biology 11(4): 727-733 (2004)
20 Jorn Migge, Alain Jean-Marie, Nicolas Navet: Timing Analysis of Compound Scheduling Policies: Application to Posix1003.1B. J. Scheduling 6(5): 457-482 (2003)
19 Alain Jean-Marie: Advances in Computing Science - ASIAN 2002, Internet Computing and Modeling, Grid Computing, Peer-to-Peer Computing, and Cluster Computing, 7th Asian Computing Science Conference, Hanoi, Vietnam, December 4-6, 2002, Proceedings Springer 2002
18 Ernst Biersack, Alain Jean-Marie, Philippe Nain: Open-loop video distribution with support of VCR functionality. Perform. Eval. 49(1/4): 411-427 (2002)
17EEAlain Jean-Marie: Performance Evaluation of Networks: New Problems and Challenges. ASIAN 2000: 13-14
16EEBruno Gaujal, Alain Jean-Marie, Jean Mairesse: Computations of Uniform Recurrence Equations Using Minimal Memory Size. SIAM J. Comput. 30(5): 1701-1738 (2000)
15 Martin May, Jean-Chrysostome Bolot, Alain Jean-Marie, Christophe Diot: Simple Performance Models of Differentiated Services Schemes for the Internet. INFOCOM 1999: 1385-1394
14 Alain Jean-Marie, Mabel Tidball, Mariana Escalante, Valeria Leoni, Hector Ponce de León: On the Influence of Resequencing on the Regularity of Service. Perform. Eval. 36-37(1-4): 115-135 (1999)
13 Omar Ait-Hellal, Eitan Altman, Alain Jean-Marie, Irina A. Kurkova: On Loss Probabilities in Presence of Redundant Packets and Several Traffic Sources. Perform. Eval. 36-37(1-4): 485-518 (1999)
12 Alain Jean-Marie, Sophie Lefebvre-Barbaroux, Zhen Liu: An Analytical Approach to the Performance Evaluation of Master-Slave Computational Models. Parallel Computing 24(5-6): 841-86 (1998)
11 Bruno Gaujal, Alain Jean-Marie, Philippe Mussi, Günther Siegel: High Speed Simulation of Discrete Event Systems by Mixing Process Oriented and Equational Approaches. Parallel Computing 23(1-2): 219-233 (1997)
10 Eitan Altman, Alain Jean-Marie: The Distribution of Delays of Dispersed Messages in an M/M/1 Queue. INFOCOM 1995: 338-344
9 Eitan Altman, Alain Jean-Marie: The Loss Process of Messages in an M/M/1/K Queue. INFOCOM 1994: 1191-1198
8EEAlain Jean-Marie, Philippe Robert: On the transient behavior of the processor sharing queue. Queueing Syst. 17(1-2): 129-136 (1994)
7 Edward G. Coffman Jr., Shlomo Halfin, Alain Jean-Marie, Philippe Robert: Stochastic analysis of a slotted FIFO communication channel. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 39(5): 1555-1566 (1993)
6EEAlain Jean-Marie, Levent Gün: Parallel Queues with Resequencing. J. ACM 40(5): 1188-1208 (1993)
5 Alain Jean-Marie, François Baccelli: Communication and Time Complexity of a Distributed Election Protocol. Queueing Syst. 9(1-2): 83-111 (1991)
4EEJean Claude Bermaud, Jean-Michel Fourneau, Alain Jean-Marie: A graph theoretical approach to equivalence of multistage interconnection networks. Discrete Applied Mathematics 22(3): 201-214 (1989)
3 Alain Jean-Marie: Re-Routing and Resequencing in Multistage Interconnection Networks. ICPP 1987: 453-460
2 Alain Jean-Marie: Load Balancing in a System of Two Queues with Resequencing. Performance 1987: 75-88
1 Jean-Claude Bermond, Jean-Michel Fourneau, Alain Jean-Marie: Equivalence of Multistage Interconnection Networks. Inf. Process. Lett. 26(1): 45-50 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Omar Ait-Hellal [13]
2Tigist Alemu [24] [25] [26]
3Eitan Altman [9] [10] [13]
4François Baccelli [5]
5Anne-Elisabeth Baert [28]
6Jean Claude Bermaud [4]
7Jean-Claude Bermond [1]
8Ernst W. Biersack (Ernst Biersack) [18]
9Jean-Chrysostome Bolot (Jean Bolot) [15]
10Vincent Boudet [28]
11Yvan Calas [22] [23] [25] [26]
12Edward G. Coffman Jr. [7]
13Christophe Diot [15]
14Mariana Escalante [14]
15Jean-Michel Fourneau [1] [4]
16Nicolas Galtier [21]
17Bruno Gaujal [11] [16] [27]
18Levent Gün [6]
19Shlomo Halfin [7]
20Emmanuel Hyon [27]
21Irina A. Kurkova [13]
22Sophie Lefebvre-Barbaroux [12]
23Hector Ponce de León [14]
24Valeria Leoni [14]
25Zhen Liu [12]
26Jean Mairesse [16]
27Martin May [15]
28Jorn Migge [20]
29Philippe Mussi [11]
30Philippe Nain [18]
31Nicolas Navet [20]
32Philippe Robert [7] [8]
33Günther Siegel [11]
34Mabel Tidball [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)