
Günther Siegel

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4EEArnaud Cuccuru, Robert de Simone, Thierry Saunier, Günther Siegel, Yves Sorel: P2I: An Innovative MDA Methodology for Embedded Real-Time System. DSD 2005: 26-33
3 Tania Jiménez, Philippe Mussi, Günther Siegel: A road traffic simulator: Car-following and lane-changing. ESM 2000: 241-245
2 Bruno Gaujal, Alain Jean-Marie, Philippe Mussi, Günther Siegel: High Speed Simulation of Discrete Event Systems by Mixing Process Oriented and Equational Approaches. Parallel Computing 23(1-2): 219-233 (1997)
1 Françoise Baude, Fabrice Belloncle, Denis Caromel, Nathalie Furmento, Yves Roudier, Philippe Mussi, Günther Siegel: Parallel Object-Oriented Programming for Parallel Simulations. Inf. Sci. 93(1): 35-64 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Françoise Baude [1]
2Fabrice Belloncle [1]
3Denis Caromel [1]
4Arnaud Cuccuru [4]
5Nathalie Furmento [1]
6Bruno Gaujal [2]
7Alain Jean-Marie [2]
8Tania Jiménez [3]
9Philippe Mussi [1] [2] [3]
10Yves Roudier [1]
11Thierry Saunier [4]
12Robert de Simone [4]
13Yves Sorel [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)