
Irina A. Kurkova

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4EEAnton Bovier, Irina A. Kurkova: Poisson convergence in the restricted k-partitioning problem. Random Struct. Algorithms 30(4): 505-531 (2007)
3EEAnton Bovier, Irina A. Kurkova: Poisson convergence in the restricted k-partioning problem CoRR cond-mat/0409532: (2004)
2 Irina A. Kurkova: A Load-Balanced Network with Two Servers. Queueing Syst. 37(4): 379-389 (2001)
1 Omar Ait-Hellal, Eitan Altman, Alain Jean-Marie, Irina A. Kurkova: On Loss Probabilities in Presence of Redundant Packets and Several Traffic Sources. Perform. Eval. 36-37(1-4): 485-518 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Omar Ait-Hellal [1]
2Eitan Altman [1]
3Anton Bovier [3] [4]
4Alain Jean-Marie [1]

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