
Yvan Calas

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4EETigist Alemu, Yvan Calas, Alain Jean-Marie: The Interaction of Forward Error Correction and Active Queue Management. NETWORKING 2005: 1146-1155
3EEAlain Jean-Marie, Yvan Calas, Tigist Alemu: On the compromise between burstiness and frequency of events. Perform. Eval. 62(1-4): 382-399 (2005)
2 Yvan Calas, Alain Jean-Marie: Qualité audio pour un schéma FEC simple. Technique et Science Informatiques 24(2-3): 203-228 (2005)
1 Yvan Calas, Alain Jean-Marie: Audio Quality for a Simple Forward Error Correcting Code. Communications in Computing 2004: 231-237

Coauthor Index

1Tigist Alemu [3] [4]
2Alain Jean-Marie [1] [2] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)